CHAPTER I. starry eyed

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{"he saw her before he saw anything else in the room"}

Ingrid paced back and forth in the hall just outside the Chancellor's office, nervously fidgeting with her lightsaber, which was attached to the utility belt that hung around her waist. She had been informed that while arriving on Coruscant, the ship of Senator Padmé Amidala, a friend of Ingrid's, had been blown up on it's landing platform. From what she had heard, Padmé was not on the ship went it blew, and therefore survived the attack, but her decoy, Cordé, had not been so lucky. Ingrid knew that Padmé would mask her feelings in an attempt to seem professional in front of her fellow politicians, but inside, she'd hold herself responsible for Cordé's death. Ingrid knew her well, and Padmé had always been the kind of person to put the blame on herself, even when she wasn't the culprit.

"Ingrid!" Padmé appeared at the end of the hall, and Ingrid rushed over to her and embraced her, ignoring the fact that Padmé was a government official, and should probably be greeted in a more professional manner.

"I heard about the attack," Ingrid said, releasing her. "Are you okay?" Padmé nodded, but as Ingrid watched her with concerned eyes, she knew she had predicted correctly. Padmé had on what Ingrid called her "Queen Face", which was the expression Padmé had worn during the majority of her time as the Queen of Naboo. It gave her an intimidating air that made people respect her, but Padmé didn't have her "Queen Face" on just to demand respect, it was a way of keeping her emotions in check.

Ingrid had always been good and reading people, even Jedi Masters. She always seemed to know what people were thinking, especially people she knew, and Padmé was one of those people. Ingrid had known the Senator for several years, and by now could practically finish her sentences.

"Are you okay?" Padmé diverted the attention from herself to Ingrid. "I heard about Octavia. Ingrid, I'm so sorry."

Ingrid nodded. "I'm okay," she said, but it was a lie and the both of them knew it.

It had been a week since Ingrid had become a Jedi Knight, and she had ditched the plain, beige-colored tunic and brown cloak for something more her style. She was now dressed in a black tunic, which had short, flowy sleeves, a v-shaped neckline, and a leather tabard tucked into her belt. Half of her long, brown hair was tied up into a knot on the crown of her head, while the bottom half cascaded down her back, and her pants, boots, and gloves, all an onyx color, were tightly fitted. But, more changed than just her outfit. Ever since the Council meeting, she could feel the darkside trying to convert her, and the nagging feeling that told her she needed to do something about her master's death was ever-present. It was as if someone was constantly whispering unintelligible sinister things into her ear, consistently pursuing her very soul.

"M'lady, the Chancellor is ready for us," Senator Bail Organa interrupted the two's conversation. Padmé nodded, and Senator Organa and turned to Ingrid. "He would like for you to join us too, Miss Faye."

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