CHAPTER XV. raising hell

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{"if i cannot move heaven i will raise hell"}

Ingrid moved like a shadow, her black cloak allowing her to become one with the night as she travelled further down into the underworld of Coruscant. Once a place she would track criminals that were hiding amongst the other scum and villainy that made their home in the depths of the planet, she was now the one seeking refuge. It's twisting and grimy alleys and streets that had concealed outlaws for as long as anyone could remember, and were now the safest place for her to hide. Her existence had become some kind of sick joke, as she took the roles she had once being opposite of, falling into the abyss that was the dark side of the force. She now belonged to the black and twisted underworld that existed under the noses of the Jedi Council- secret, but dark and dangerous all the same.

She felt naked without her crimson blade; Ingrid had been carrying a lightsaber for so long that it had become an extension of her very being, almost like another limb. It had been a change that was not easy to adjust to when she had bled her sapphire kyber crystal, as Ingrid had become accustomed to the pure, blue glow that radiated off of her sacred weapon whenever she ignited it in battle. Instead of hope, the blood red blade struck fear into the hearts of those who faced it, the legacy of the sith ever-present. Despite the period of time it took to become accustomed to this new type of presence, Ingrid had learned to appreciate and utilize this dread that came with the mere mention of a dark-side wielder. It was something entirely different from the respect the Jedi had commanded, but powerful nonetheless.

Pulling her hood up higher, Ingrid bowed her head as she passed by two clone troopers leaning against their parked speeders. So used to the seedy characters that came and went through the streets of the lowest levels of Coruscant, they hardly even acknowledged her as she passed by, for which she was grateful. Ingrid's first priority was to find someone that she could barter with for passage off the planet, and eventually find a way to get to the outer rim. With Darth Sidious wanting nothing more than her head of a spike, it wouldn't be too long until he struck again, and she wasn't so sure she'd survive her next attack. The best option for her was to go far, far away.

Ingrid stopped in her tracks walking as the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Despite the seemingly barren alley that she had turned down upon, her senses told her that someone was waiting for her in the shadows. Reaching out, she found them, crouched in the high window of one of the structures that lined the alley, concealed by darkness as they watched her pass by underneath. Ingrid sensed anxiety spike in her unwanted audience as they began to realize she was aware of her presence, but it was too late for them to escape.

An invisible hand closed around her observer's neck, lifting them off of the ground and pulling them from their hideaway. They floated downwards to the street below, bringing them into Ingrid's line of sight as she willed the force to do so. Her spectator, a Theelin, squirmed in Ingrid's unseeable grip, clawing at her neck in an attempt to remove the hand that wasn't there. Ingrid clenched her teeth as she brought the purple-skinned alien closer to her until their foreheads were almost touching, fear blooming in her unnaturally sharp blue eyes. Her victim was an intimidating figure- her spotted skin sharpened to horns on her forehead and gave her a sinister look. However, in Ingrid's grasp, the menacing Theelin had been reduced to a cowering victim of the Faye girl's dark power.

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