CHAPTER XVII. save us from life

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{"if nothing should save us from death, at least love should save us from life"}

Ingrid plunged towards the rapids that churned at the bottom of the sinkhole, fear the last thing on her mind. Even as she fell her thoughts were on the man– and the life– she had left behind on the platform, and her heart tightened with grief. She had gotten zo close to the light this time, had let thoughts of false hope creep it's way back into her head, and the shock of throwing herself back into the dark side of the force was like a brick wall. It was like having the warmth drained out of her, letting the anger twist it's way back into her mind and rid her of the hope that would have certainly betrayed her in the future if she allowed it to invade her mind. In times like these, it was better not to hope at all.

Tearing her mind away from Obi-Wan and the light side, she focused on surviving her plummet to the bottom of the sinkhole. With quick, nimble fingers, Ingrid unlatched the silver canister from her utility belt and ignited it. She sunk the blade into the side of the sinkhole wall, the plasma carving a blacked gash into the rock. The scorching touch of the lightsaber slid through the stone, bringing her to a skidding stop as shredded bits of rock and gravel kicked up at her, tearing at her clothes and painfully grazing her bare skin.

Ingrid hung from the hilt of her saber, which has ceased slicing through the rock but instead remained stuck in its place, it's scorching blade hissing as it melted the stone around it. With one hand still clutching the silver canister, her other reached out to grasp a protruding rock. Once she had a firm grasp, she extinguished her blade and hooked her lightsaber to her utility belt. Then, grabbing onto the rock with both hands, she clambered up the stone wall, hand over foot as she made her way to a platform.

Once she had reached the landing, Ingrid hoisted herself up so that she was eye-level with the platform, carefully surveying the area for danger. As her hazel eyes peered over edge, she was greeted with the sight of dozens of battle droids. For a moment, she considered finding another level, but her thoughts of retreat disappeared as she looked past the droids to see that they were guarding several starships. She had found her ticket off the planet and away from the dangers that came with staying within the Dark Lord's reach.

Ingrid leapt up onto the ledge, withdrawing the lightsaber that hung from her waist and igniting it as she did so. The droids turned to face her at the signature hiss of a plasma blade coming forth from its cylindrical home, raising their blasters in a panic. "Jedi!" one of them cried out in the droids' wretchedly shrill voice, lifting a rusty hand to point to her, as if the others hadn't been able to spot her like this droid had. "Blast her!"

The droids unleashed the best defense they could manage, but unlike clones, the droids were notoriously made to be able to be cheaply mass produced and therefore were a mediocre military force. They missed about half the shots they took when facing off against a normal opponent, but when it came down to a droid against a force user, they didn't stand a chance.

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