CHAPTER III. tastes like adventure

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{"fall in love with someone who tastes like adventure but looks like the calm, beautiful morning after a terrible storm"}

Ingrid sat on the seat in the transport bus, staring out of the window as the city zoomed past. Past the glass, all kinds of people went about their daily lives, following their familiar routines, blissfully unaware of the bigger things happening in the galaxy. Ingrid found her mind wandering to what it would be like to be one of those people, free of the burden of maintaining the safety of the galaxy. Of course, Ingrid loved being a Jedi, but she sometimes wished she wasn't controlled by the Order or the Council, and had the freedom to do whatever she'd like.

Paying attention to the skyscrapers and shops that flew past, she realized that they were in a part of the city that Ingrid wasn't familiar with, and she was concerned that her companion had no idea where they were headed.

"Where are we going?" Ingrid asked Obi-Wan, who sat beside her.

"To see an old friend of mine," was all Obi-Wan said, and Ingrid couldn't help but let out a groan of frustration.

"Well that was excruciatingly vague," she said, returning to look out the window. All Obi-Wan had told her when they got on the transport bus was that they were going somewhere that could help shed some light on the Bounty Hunter that Padmé's assassin had told them about.

After the speeder chase, Ingrid, and Obi-Wan had told the council what they knew, which wasn't very much. However, Master Yoda seemed to believe that they had enough to go off of, and had given Obi-Wan and Ingrid the task of locating the Bounty Hunter who had ordered the assassination attempts on Padmé, and finding out who he was working for.

Padmé, who was still in danger, was to go back to her and Ingrid's home planet of Naboo, where she'd be safer. Anakin was assigned to act as her security while she was there, something that Ingrid assumed Anakin was jumping for joy about. It was obvious to anyone that Anakin was infatuated with the Senator, which made Ingrid wonder why the Council would pair the two up together if relationships were forbidden in the Order.

Anakin and Padmé had left for Naboo a few hours ago, and Ingrid and Obi-Wan had gone to the platform to ensure that they left safely. Even though she was opposed to Padmé being somewhere where she wouldn't be able to protect her, Ingrid had tried to act nonchalant so that Padmé wouldn't be as fearful as she was. The Senator already had enough to deal with, and the constant paranoia was not something Ingrid wanted to burden her friend with.

Remembering her last words to Padmé, Ingrid hoped that she would be able to keep the promise that she had made to her.

When Padmé was finished saying goodbye to Captain Typho and Dormé, she turned to Ingrid, whose concern was written over her face. Padmé gave her friend a reassuring smile, embracing her tightly.

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