Chapter 2: A Sleepless Night

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Greetings from Barcelona, Spain! The hotel that I am currently staying at has WiFi so I was able to add the new update. Please read, vote, and/or comment and I hope that you enjoy it! My Wattpad account is being uncooperative so I am republishing this chapter. I will have the next update up later today I promise!

We were laughing. I was jogging around the perimeter, patrolling, a friend by my side. Out of nowhere two large wolves jumped out in front of us, growling and snarling, snapping their jaws open and closed they moved slowly towards us. My first thought was not for my own safety but for some way to protect my companion who had fallen when they jumped out. Protection, it was my duty. It did not matter what happened to me so long as he was safe.

In a matter of seconds, the wolves jumped forward to make the kill, but I was faster. I grabbed my companion and ran. I could feel in my bones that we were approaching safety, but the wolves were gaining on us, slowly, but surely. Just as all hope felt lost, that we would never make it, two more wolves jumped out. These wolves were different, I wanted to trust them, to feel the love that practically radiated off of them towards myself and my companion. Yet as these wolves jumped out, even more, slinked out of the woods to fight for the other side. I could feel the madness that oozed off of them.

The battle began. My wolves fought bravely and fiercely, but they were just too outnumbered, slowly they lost ground until the mad wolves went in for the kill. There was blood everywhere, I had not even noticed that I had begun to scream, an indescribable pain ripped through my body as it felt like every single bone in my body was breaking and reforming simultaneously.

I knew that my wolves were gone, I knew that a mantle had been passed from them to me, what exactly I had no idea. As the pain subsided a new sense of strength flooded into me and my instinct to protect returned. I must protect my companion and the others. I slipped him onto my back and ran. My feet barely touching the ground as I raced to safety. A mournful howl rose from deep within me and echoed through the night, loss ripped into my aching heart.

My eyes flew open and I sucked in a breath. My chest was heaving, my hands were gripping the sheets while my legs were tangled within the rest. My hair was plastered to my head with sweat and my heart was racing. I looked over at my alarm clock, 12:30 AM. I slipped out of bed and slid on some athletic clothes before quietly leaving the dorm, heading towards the gym. After a dream like that, there was no way that I would be able to fall back asleep, a workout was the only remedy. I needed to lose myself into the blood and sweat and tears that came with it.

I swiped my ID to enter the gym, my mind was lost in thoughts about my dream but my body was on high alert, taking in every part of my surroundings. By the time I reached the sparring room my muscles were loose and shaking with energy. I didn't even bother to wrap my hands or my feet, I just sprung right into training, losing myself into the sweet release of pain.

I don't know how much time passed before the creaking of the door opening snapped me out of my reprieve. I swung around quickly and readied myself to face an attacker. Standing in the doorway looking as surprised to see me as I was to see him was Janus. I relaxed my stance but my senses remained high, I was not taking any chances.

"I didn't know you fought," Janus said, finally breaking the silence. He glided soundlessly into the room but did not push himself towards me. Instead, he moved to where the bandages were and began to wrap his hands.

"There is a lot that you do not know about me," I replied. Despite his apology, I did not forgive him for earlier, and now he shows up in the middle of the night where I am alone. This was no coincidence.

"You have a good stance," he completely ignored my jab towards him. "Would you like to spar?"

I knew exactly what he was doing, he was luring me to fight him with a compliment in order for me to think that I had the upper hand and would win easily. When in all reality he was a great fighter. My pride would probably be my biggest downfall one day, but I could never turn down a challenge. There was a primal instinct inside of me to stop any challenge, anyone who questioned my authority. I tilted my head at him and a challenging smirk graced my lips, "You are so on."

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