Chapter 22: Child of the Stars

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After seeing Noah's face, I attempted (and failed) to turn and leave. Sadly I wasn't fast enough and a short yet hopeless argument ensued, leading me to my current position in a small storage closet. It was rather small, just enough room for Noah and I to squeeze in among the assorted piles or random items.

Noah looked like he was ready to kill me. I let out a slow breath, better to get this done now then to let him simmer even more about what was on his mind.

"So what do you want?" I asked, leaning back casually and crossing my arms. Well as casual as I could be given I was leaning against a set of shelves.

Noah matched my position. "Who said I wanted anything?" He shot back at me, the anger visible in his words.

I raised an eyebrow but my snarl comment died on my lips. Instead I answered truthfully, for the first time in a long while. "Everybody wants something. The question is just what and from whom."

Noah tilted his head at my words, surprised that I didn't have a sarcastic reply to him. He dropped the facade an instant later, seriousness flooding his face, showing the gravity of the situation.

He reached into his pocket before holding his hand out to me, something hidden in his fist. I held mine out underneath his, waiting for him to show me the cause of our meeting.

Out of his hand dropped a piece of paper, wrinkled with smeared in dirt. My senses cataloged every aspect of it and quickly placed its point of origin.

"West side of the creek. Over by where I found my pack." I said.

Noah shook his head in exasperation. "I didn't give this to you so you could tell me where I found it." He sighed then continued. "I gave it to you so that you could read it." He explained, running his fingers through his hair in a nervous tick.

At his words I turned my head back down to the paper. This time taking in the words.

Child of the Stars,

Head my words and you just may survive the course that has been plotted for you.

There is no hope for you alone, do not run as you once did, so very long ago.

Only through surrender, will you find your greatest salvation.

Be careful who you trust, there is a traitor among those with whom you leave your life.

Remember my words, always remember them, and live.

At the bottom of the note, like a signature, was an owl.

I let out a slow breath, this note had knocked it out of me. "How did you know to give it to me?" I finally whispered.

Noah ran his hand through his hair before responding. "Back when you and Janus were doing that project for mythology I remembered him saying that Asteria was the goddess of stars or something like that. Anyway if it wasn't for you I figured that you would most likely know who it was for." He hesitated before continuing, his voice dropping an octave. "But it's for you? Isn't it?"

I nodded, my head spinning. "It is." I whispered, barely audible.

Noah's hands were twitching. "I have to tell my Alpha." He told me. I could see the hesitation in his body as he tried to decide the best course of action.

My mind swirled with all of the possibilities that could occur if Janus's father knew of the note. He would understand the gravity of that name in a way that Noah did not. To receive a name from the prophets mean that you had a great destiny, that you were bound to be a hero or a villain in a story that would be remembered long after you had gone. He would attempt to manipulate events surrounding me for his own good and to his own ends. There were many reasons why I had hidden my name from those who surrounded me, only Avia knew of it, and this was one of them.

"Please don't." I implored Noah, "You brought the note to me, the one who it was supposed to get to. You did your job as a future Beta." Personally I would appreciate it if those around me told me if they delivered a note to somebody else; however, that would not help my case with Noah.

Conflict raced on his face as he warned with himself, before nodding to me. "Why are you called the Child of the Stars?" He finally asked after working up his courage.

I chuckled softly. "Honestly? I haven't got a clue. All I know is that it's what those with the gift of prophecy call me."

I thought of Avia, who always called me that when we were alone, of Lewis's mother, whose last words to him had been to protect the Child if the Stars.

My thoughts quickly turned back to the note. Who would know to call me that? Only someone with the gift of prophecy, but all those that I knew were either straight up about what they knew, or dead. Meaning that I did not personally know who this was from. And for that matter, who would sigh with an image instead of a name? Particularly an owl? I vowed to do more research into the history of owls, especially their symbolism.

Despite my inner turmoil my face betrayed nothing but calm and collection. Noah nodded, his emotions not as well masked, betrayed him. Fear and confusion were inked across his face.

I tucked the note into my pocket. I wasn't ready to let anyone else see it. Now was the time to prepare, we were under attack from the Hunters and the rogues, and we could not afford to show any ounce of weakness. We had to be united under a common goal.

My mind had finally slowed, a plan was forming in my mind. I felt a smile cross my face as the course of action became apparent to me. With the swiftness of my kind I was at the door of the closet, ready to implement my plan when a hand on my shoulder pulled me back roughly.

"Where do you think you are going?" Noah whisper shouted, "And for that matter why are you smiling? We just got a note warning you that you could die, there is a traitor among us, and you have to surrender! And here you are walking out without a care in the world and you are smiling!"

My smile widened, "Welcome to the life of Asteria Black, where it is highly likely you will die and traitors are around every turn." I turned back to the door and this time stepped out without a problem. I was halfway down the hallway before I answered his first question.

"As for where I am going, I'm going to convene the Council." I said tossing my head over my shoulder before heading back to where I was originally going, leaving a dumbstruck Noah behind me.

"Wish me luck." I whispered under my breath, too quite even for his exceptional hearing to pick up.

Hello everyone! Enjoy the extra hour for those of you on DST. Anyway, what do you guys think? Who is behind the mysterious note? What is the significance of Asteria's name? What is the Council? No matter what I hope that you enjoyed it and please don't forget to vote and comment!

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