Chapter 34: Another War Dream

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The din of battle echoed around me, from bloodied screams to crazed snarls. Snapping jaws and tearing flesh mixed with the crack of gunfire and the slicing of knives.

I let out a sigh, my body on autopilot as my mind raced. We needed to give time for the others to escape, but we couldn't hold out much longer. We were losing, due to sheer numbers and their unforeseen attack.

We were being pinned down, unable to maneuver around to flank them, and we were beginning to flag. This battle had been raging for far too long for us to hold out against their sheer numbers, as wave after wave of fresh Hunters and rogues attacked us.

It was a slaughter. We could only hope that we gave the others enough time to escape. But then what would they do? The other Hunters and rogues would continue to chase them. No matter how fast they ran or where they went, they would never be safe.

A familiar scream knocked me back into the real world. My head snapped around, trying to pinpoint the location of the scream.

Janus flew into my vision, fighting hopelessly against two rogues. He cradled his already injured arm to his side and was soon knocked down to the hard, bloodied ground by a lunging rogue.

I turned, to move, to run, as everything that had been so very confusing finally slid into place.

But before I could, I felt the world around me freeze, an eerie stillness covered everything around me. It was silent, the din around me was gone. The fast, blurred movements of those around me ended as if they had become statues.

I spun around, trying to find the source of this anomaly but found none. Instead a haunting, feminine voice pierced my thoughts.

"You know the choice child. All the running was for naught. No matter what path you took you would always end up here, no matter what."

I squeezed my eyes closed, not yet willing to accept my fate.

When I finally opened them I was decided. I took one last look around me, burning these images into my mind.

This is why I'm doing this, I swore to myself.

I walked forward, easily sidestepping the frozen beings around me as I made my way to the edge of the cliff to the side of the compound.

When I reached the edge, I didn't look down, I didn't give myself a chance to hesitate, a chance to second guess. I just took a step forward, off of the cliff, eyes wide open until the darkness overcame me.

My eyes flew open, my breathing even but hurried. I was wrapped in the blankets with one leg tossed to the outside.

My eyes scanned the room, searching for any threats or disturbances. My gaze caught on Janus, drinking in how peaceful he looked when sleeping, even in beast form.

I forced myself out of bed, knowing all too well that after a dream like that there was no way I was going to be able to fall back asleep. It was as if there was a hurricane slicing through me, my thoughts and emotions were whipping round and round with no end in sight.

I slipped into the bathroom, changed, and quickly made my way out of the room. I headed towards the gym, silently thanking Lewis for giving me directions during his debriefing earlier.

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