Chapter 9: Greek and Roman Mythology Comes to Life

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the slight delay in updating, I just got home from a horse show. Nevertheless here is the next update so please read, comment, vote, and enjoy!

"Up next we have the power couple of ancient Rome and Greece. The elusive Asteria and the reflective Janus!" The doorman exclaimed, announcing our presence.

"She is the Greek Titaness of oracles and prophecies of the night, including prophetic dreams, the reading of the stars, and necromancy to name a few! Not to mention falling stars. Her name means the Starry One. She is the mother of Hecate, goddess of magic. She was known for her grace and angelic nature but has revealed that she also has a dark and rebellious side as well.

She has no time to stroke the egos of men and gods alike, she cares not for relationships if they do not make her feel as beautiful and iridescent as the stars in the night which she inhabits. She ran from the romantic pursuits of Zeus, first becoming a quail but then diving into the Aegean to become the floating island of Delos.

Though her soul may now be set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light. For she has loved the stars too fondly to be afraid of the night!"

As the doorman finished my rousing introduction he moved on to Janus. We had written each other's introductions so that there was a fresh perspective on our research. Although I had crushed his advances earlier, I hoped that he liked mine for him.

I was thankful that my hood and cloak hid my face and true emotions, the pain that I had caused Janus was fresh and still evident in my mind. I remembered the crashing glass that I had heard when he had returned to the kitchen, the sound of fists banging against the table. I had seen his split knuckles and the cold expression that he had worn the rest of the afternoon as we finalized everything.

I had felt the tension in his body as I helped him put on the mask, which gave him a second face. We had barely shared a couple words before we arrived. The tension and electricity between us was palatable.

The sound of the doorkeeper reigned in my wandering mind. "He is the Roman god of gateways, bridges, and passageways. He bears the ability to see into the past and the future due to the two heads pointed in opposite directions, gifted to him by Saturn.

The month of January is named after him for it is used for deep reflection. A time when we bemoan our regrets and bask in our victories. He is also a representation of transitions, like that between childhood and adulthood. His very name comes from the Latin word for door." He paused for a second to build the dramatic effect before continuing. "Everybody welcome Asteria and Janus!"

A thundering applause echoed throughout the ballroom but I barely heard it, my mind was elsewhere. Ianua, it was the Latin word for door. Janus's name was derived from it, he had known this, as it was in his research.

My mysterious gift giver had called himself Ianua and Janus had not seemed surprised to see my amulet. On the contrary, he seemed to expect it to be there and left room on my dress for it to rest perfectly. I wasn't one to believe in coincidences.

"You." I seethed to Janus as we carefully made our way to the dance floor, arm in arm.

"Yes, love," Janus said mockingly. I cold feel the anger behind his tone.

"I'm sorry. Do you prefer the name Ianua?" I asked, matching his mocking tone inch for inch.

"I go by many names love. You of all people should know that."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You hide your true nature, who you really are. WHAT you really are." His eyes were piercing into me as he dipped me in time to the music, my hood falling back to reveal my face.

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