Chapter 10: King Lycaon's Descendants

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Hello everyone! I am so very sorry for not updating here sooner. I had this chapter ready to go but I deleted it by accident an had to rewrite and edit it. I hope that you enjoy this chapter and please read, vote, and comment. Once again sorry for the delay in updating!

"You must remember where we came from Asteria. You cannot forget what we are. It is the duty of your kind to lead others, you are a shepherd in a field of sheep" A comforting voice explained to me.

"What made us leaders?" A younger me asked this mentor as I watched from the sidelines.

The woman chuckled. "It is in your DNA child." She leaned back, lost in memory, before continuing.

"Long ago a king was cursed for his actions, as they offended the gods. The gods made him a hybrid, part man, and part beast. After his curse was placed upon him he became a loner and a wanderer.

His beast could not handle the solitude and he went mad. In his madness he made others like him, changing them to be like him until he accumulated a pack. The presence of those around him tamed his madness, ending it.

By then it was too late, the king's rampage had caught the attention of the gods and they sent a hero to kill him. One of Athena's demigod children with the gray eyes of her mother.

Instead of killing the king as she was sent to do, she fell in love with him, she saw him as a changed man instead of a monster. Together they had six children, the eldest was their only daughter and the five others were sons. All of which had the gray/silver eyes of their mother when they shifted into their beasts.

It became evident that these children were made for leadership. They exuded power and authority, they were stronger, faster, smarter than any others of their kind.

This union did not please Athena, who, once the youngest of the children reached adulthood, used the power of Olympus to destroy the king and her own daughter. The eldest of their children rose into the mantle of leadership and eventually found a partner to rule by her side. It seemed that the beastly instincts allowed them to find their perfect other half or soul mates.

Yet this daughter knew that for her kind to survive, they must split up. They had already attracted the attention of humans around them and these humans had begun to try to kill them. She divided up the pack into six smaller packs, each led by one of her siblings, and they dispersed around the globe." As she continued her story I felt myself drifting farther away, unable to see how it would end.

I groaned softly, feeling the aching in my muscles as I slowly came to my senses.

"You need to shower. You haven't left her side since you both got here and you are still covered in blood. Not to mention the fact that you haven't slept in that time either. Do you think that she wants to see you like this?" It took me a minute but I placed the exasperated voice as belonging to Noah.

"I can't leave her and you know it! She is my mate! Do you see how she is moving? She is waking up, I know it, and I have to be here when it happens." I stiffened as I recognized Janus's voice, but was startled by the rawness of it.

"I know that she is your mate, but she needs you to take care of yourself, for her sake. She has been moving for the last day, but if it makes you feel any better I will wait right here until you are done. OK?" Noah asked persistently.

I heard a loud sigh, and somehow I knew that it was Janus. "Alright." He practically whispered. "But let me know the as soon as she wakes up."

"I will," Noah promised as he eased himself down into the chair next to me.

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