Chapter 35: Hubris

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I splashed water on my face, wishing that for once, just once, I could live without having some insane, crazy, incomprehensible event happening. I stared into the mirror, my mind racing to try and piece together what was now happening.

The last time I had weird, realistic dreams I had been trying to remember my past, I wasn't going to let this go without serious consideration. Who knew what was truly happening now, mysterious messages, strange dreams? It was like a story right out of ancient lore.

I shook my head, focusing on the task at hand, meeting with all of the alphas currently here.

I dried off my face before stepping out of the bathroom, my thoughts racing to piece together a plan.

I felt Janus's eyes tracking me as I crossed the room. He hadn't said much since my flashback but I could feel the concern radiating off of him.

I opened the door, ready to walk out without a word. But that concern reminded me of the boy I had found in his father's closet, hiding to protect the pack.

I turned back, not quite facing him but not leaving at the same time. "Don't be late to the meeting," I ordered, not giving him a choice on the matter.

I turned and shut the door behind me, not waiting for his response.

As I headed down the hall I caught snip bits of everyday life in the midst of the war.

I heard mates laughing, children crying. I saw families playing, working together to make the most of this situation. I could smell the cooked food that was being prepared as the compound woke up for the day.

It lifted my spirits. This is what I was fighting for, for these beasts to be able live their lives without the constant threat posed by rogues and Hunters.

A familiar set of footsteps fell into line beside me, not saying a word as I grappled with my thoughts.

"Ready to face the wolves?" I asked Lewis as we made our way to the meeting room. The one that I had previously burst into with Janus.

He let out a chuckle. "They are not the ones that I am scared about." He joked, meeting my eyes in a conspiratorial glance.

"So what's the plan?" I questioned, shifting from playful to serious in a split second.

Lewis matched my change in demeanor as he outlined the plan that he had built upon my original idea.

By the time we reached the meeting room my head was ready to explode from the massive information dump that it had just received in the form of Lewis's plans, not to mention my own adjustments.

A few of the alphas had already arrived and were quietly conversing amongst themselves.

My eyes scanned the room, quickly finding the large chalkboards pushed to one end. I smiled, the last pieces were fitting into place, and just in the knick of time. I made my way over to the boards and started to outline the plan.

Lewis didn't join me. Instead, he took the chance to lean against the wall and observe. Something about that motion was so familiar. I could feel the constant pain as I looked for a memory that was no longer there.

The alphas slowly moved away from Lewis, but in the process came closer to me. I focused my heightened hearing onto them, silently thanking Lewis for the help.

"Should we trust her?"

"More importantly is she who she claims to be?"

"We have no way of knowing. Almost everyone close to that pack was killed and who says we can trust the remainder."

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