Chapter 14: Never Let Go

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I didn't know how long I had actually been running for. My mind was racing with possibilities, trying to understand what had just happened. My mind refocused on the task at hand and I felt my pace slacken as I approached the border of the pack land. I could feel the border as if there were an invisible line that separated the pack from the rest of the world.

I allowed myself to take in my surroundings with my heightened senses. I could smell the rogues that were nearby and feel the madness flowing off of them. The scent of humans also filled my nose and I felt my lips curl in disgust as I realized what they were, Hunters. A feeling of hope managed to fill my heart as I sensed others like me, I recognized their scents, although I had no idea where from.

I moved quickly yet silently from where I was towards the horde outside of the pack lands, taking great care to stay within the borders. My subconscious told me that it would end in disaster if I were to step outside of them.

Finally, the group came into view. It took every ounce of self-control I had to keep myself from running straight out there to help, but I knew that I would need a plan to get everyone out of there alive.

As I studied the group I saw the hierarchy of the group with ease. At the head was a man my age who had the air of leadership around him, yet he was burdened by it. It was as if he held onto the position for someone else and kept it because there was no other choice. Two others flanked him, further creating a barrier between the captors and their prisoners.

As I continued to study the scene before me it became evident why they were there. It was an execution, and their deaths were to be a message for someone. My protective nature rose to the surface as both my beast and I both tried to think of a plan to get everyone safely out of there. All of them.

In the midst of my thoughts the leader turned to face me. As our eyes met his widened in surprise. Then with a practiced ease, we opened our minds to each other in an attempt to make a plan.

It was then that I knew with certainty that these people were a part of my past, even if I didn't remember it.

As our thoughts mingled only one course of option became available. I shut out the leader and set my plan into action.

I stepped out from the cluster of trees that had been camouflaging me and into the line of sight for the captors. When they saw me a murmur ran through them. There was a slight internal argument among them as they decided who would speak to me. Eventually, one Hunter stepped forward to challenge me, a sneer plastered onto his face.

"Come to join us little girl?" He mocked to me as he moved closer to the border. His eyes were blazing into me.

I met his glare, mine hardening into icy resolve as I too stepped closer. "I have an offer for you. A very tempting one if I do say so myself."

He chuckled before responding. "And what is this so-called tempting offer?"

I allowed a small smirk before I answered. "You release the entire pack." The Hunter snorted but I ignored him. "In turn, I give myself freely to you, to do whatever you want."

I could see the satisfaction of the rogues as they imagined all the things that they could do to a female without resistance. They lowered their guard to the prisoners and turned towards me.

The Hunters were not as easily convinced. "I'm sure that you would find me a very, valuable, prisoner." I had their attention but I had to solidify it. "How many of you have I killed? I don't know. Too many to count." I made my tone flippant as I assumed a relaxed posture. My words grabbed their attention and soon the prisoners were practically unguarded.

The Hunter spoke for himself but his decision was the consensus of the group. "We will take it. Step over and then we will release the others." I knew that he was playing me but I had to keep the act up.

"A done deal then." I stepped over the line and allowed them to grab me without any resistance.

When I was finally in their custody they turned their attention back to their prisoners. Unfortunately for them, while they had their attention fixed onto me the prisoners had moved back over the border and were safely out of reach. For the time being at least.

The Hunters and rogues began yelling at each other. Each blaming the other for what had happened. In the midst of their yelling I had hoped to slip away, but there was no way for me to get out. They had lost all of their other prisoners and they were not about to lose one more.

I accepted this. I had saved them. They were alive. I could live with that and any punishment my captors could come up with wouldn't take that away. The pack didn't seem to accept that, though.

I met their leaders stare and it told me that he wasn't about to leave well enough alone. One of my captors grabbed a needle but before he could sedate me with it, he fell dead. A rock was centered right between his eyes and the leader was wearing a smirk that rivaled my own.

"Anyone else?" He asked. An air of grim reality surrounded him. There was no arrogance in his tone. He was just doing what he deemed necessary to get the job done. In this case, it was to get me out alive. The Hunters and rogues around me turned their attention to him. I took advantage of it to take on my own captors and quickly make my way back to the boundary. Leaving a few broken bones behind me I reached the boundary relatively unharmed.

Once I made my way across the border my feet carried me unconsciously next to the leader at the front of the pack. He lowered his head, deferring to me and took a step behind me. Confusion raced through my mind but I kept my face neutral as I faced the kidnappers.

"It's time for you to leave," I told them, authority and power oozing out of my voice.

Some of the rogues and Hunters submitted to my voice but a few tried to resist. The Hunter who spoke earlier stepped forward, rage was radiating off of him in waves. "This isn't over yet. I promise you that." His voice was laced with venom. The group of Hunters and rogues turned and made their way away from the pack border.

I felt myself relax. I had no doubt that they would be back but I knew that today we had won a small victory. I turned around to face the pack behind me, studying them. As I took in their leader I saw much more than I had earlier. His eyes were lit with wonder and hope, as he took me in. This was the exact opposite of his earlier worry-worn and heavy expression.

As I studied him he took a hesitant step towards me. "Asteria?" He whispered. "You're alive." Despite the quiet tone of his voice, the level of sheer amazement was easy to hear.

I stayed silent as he talked to me, unsure of what to say. Not to mention the familiarity in his expression had me trying to place it, to remember the past. As I stared into his silver blue eyes I finally felt something click in my head, like a door opening just a crack. I took a deep breath as a handful of memories floated into my head.

There was a memory of patrolling the pack lands and one of a very embarrassing skinny dipping incident. But most importantly there was a name. The name of a boy with silver blue eyes and black hair. A boy who stood by my side through thick and thin. A boy who now stood straight in front of me.

"Bryce," I whispered softly. Somehow his eyes lit up even brighter, a slow-burning fire was kindled in them. Before either of us knew what we were doing we had our arms wrapped around each other. A sense of familiarity surrounded me and in a split second I felt myself fall into to the world of dreams. My last coherent thought was that now that I had this familiarity back, I was never letting go.

Hello everyone! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. So what do you all think?
Who is Bryce?
Why are the rogues and Hunters working together?
Let me know what you think and please don't forget to vote!

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