Chapter 17: Double Trouble

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As I walked through the door a sense of warmth and family flooded through me. The emptiness that had filled me since the Hunters had taken me, was gone. I was home.

Time flew past as I was reintroduced to the members of my pack, some I remembered but most I did not.

I heard stories of my childhood, of the innocence that I had lost so quickly after my parents' death, at the hands of my Uncle. I learned so much about myself, but remember I did not.

I learned so many things, but none of it seemed real. It all seemed to happen to someone else as if it was a different person who had seen and done these things.

No matter what happened Bryce was always by my side, standing there. Ready to step in whenever the stories became too much when the people went too far. He was a shadow, always there and ready to help.

Finally, when the crowd had passed through, moving on and spreading out, I was able to breathe again. I let out a sigh and leaned into Bryce.

We just stood there for a few minutes, until Bryce broke the silence. "It's a lot to take in, I know."

"Yet nonetheless, you will always have us to help."

"You can't get rid of us."

I spun around to face the two voices who had responded to Bryce. I was greeted by a set of twins, identical. Yet I saw the small differences between them instantly. I saw that one had a mole on his left cheek while the other had none. One had gold flecked green eyes and his brother's were blue flecked. They each styled their black hair differently.

As I took them in pain shot through my head. I fell to my knees onto the carpeted floor clutching my head. I felt as if my head was exploding as memories flooded in.

Memories of two black haired boys filled my head. Memories of the trouble that we stirred up and the sharp change that came when my Uncle came to power. Practical jokes and harmless pranks soon became sneaking into offices and saving people from torture and horrible treatment. I used the last of my strength to tether myself to consciousness, to prevent the darkness from taking me away.

Bryce let out a deep growl and was on the ground next to me in a split second. "I'm going to kill him."

Soon the sensory overload was over and I felt myself relax, letting out a deep breath. As I gathered my wits I felt Bryce's beast rise to the surface.

When I did look up, Bryce's eyes were shattered. He had the telltale blue eyes of a Lycan beast. I met his gaze inch for inch. In that instant we were not best friends, we were not two people who had become family. I was the Alpha, and he was my Beta. His Alpha was in pain and it was his job to protect her. I nodded to him signaling that I was alright.

We stood simultaneously, nobody other than the twins had seen what had happened. The pack continued, unaware of what had just transpired.

Bryce's beast receded but the anger remained. "I'm going to kill that little brat." He seethed.

"No, you are not," I told him.

"But..." He protested.

I held up my hand to stop him. "You will do nothing because it wasn't his fault. It was sensory overload, not emotional. Seeing Alex and Jace," I nodded towards the twins, "Allowed some of my memories to return. At least this time I didn't pass out."

Understanding flooded Bryce's face. "In the forest..."

I nodded and then turned to Jace and Alex and watched as understanding filled them as well.

"So how are my two Deltas doing?" I asked them.

"Happy to be Deltas and not Betas," Alex said.

Jace nodded, "Just glad to have our Alpha back." He added.

They shared a conspiratorial glance before meeting my questioning one.

"I mean who else would be able to handle our stupendous pranks." Alex teased.

Jace smirked before continuing. " Or who would listen to our banana jokes."

Bryce groaned. "Please don't make me listen to another one of their horrible, horrible jokes!" He begged me.

"Sorry guys, but that is one memory that I didn't get back." I half-heartedly apologized.

Matching smirks appeared on their faces, and not the good kind, the conniving 'I'm up to something' kind.

But that was soon forgotten as we fell into an easy conversation. We caught up on everything that had happened since we had last spoke, all those years ago.

Despite everything that they told me, I still felt as if they were leaving things out. Whether it was a person or certain events, and if it was at the wishes of the person or to hide the true horror of their situation, I did not know.

Overall the Hunters had treated them well after they were captured. They had food, water, and they were not used for testing, as I was. They had limited opportunities for exercise or to go outside, but they were not chained up or left in the dark.

My beast was restless from hearing about the treatment of the pack but still accepted that their treatment could have been a lot worse. Let alone the fact they could have been killed.

My beast shuddered at the thought. To lose the entire pack would drive us both mad, as being packless had driven my Uncle down that path a long time ago.

I snapped myself out of my revive and turned towards Alex and Jace, but when I did their eyes were glazed over.

"Sorry." They said simultaneously.

"There is someone who wants to see you," Alex said.

"You should leave right away." Jace finished.

"Who is it?" I asked confused.

Jace and Alex shared a look before turning to me. "You'll see." They said as they turned and began to walk away from me.

I shot a glance at Bryce who just smirked at me before following after them.

I shook my head in exasperation before following behind reluctantly. I did not like to be played games with.

Hello everyone!

What did you think? What aren't they telling Asteria?

Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed reading and please vote and comment your thoughts! Until next time...

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