Chapter 25: Playing Games

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I stood outside of Alpha Williams' office, impatiently waiting for him to let me inside. My beast was restless inside of me, angered by his intentional lack of respect.

Personally, I felt disgusted by this man who called himself Alpha. He was a werewolf who could not control his own thoughts, projecting them into those around him.

Currently he wanted to be beating a member of his pack who seemed to have a history of fighting back. I made a mental note of her appearance and a reminder to find her later. I knew what it was like to have someone in a position of power betray that respect.

Finally, the door swung open and I was given permission to enter. I took my good old time, as he had taken his. I allowed myself to take in the office of this man as I did.

The room appeared cast into perpetual darkness, the lights were dim and the only window had a heavy curtain drawn across it. There was a bookshelf in one corner but it was covered in as much dust as the Codex had been, as if untouched for years.

The walls had no adornment, no pictures or awards. It was as if it belonged to someone with nothing to their name. The desk was full of clutter, piles were thrown here and there, as if tossed to the closest location. How he could find anything in that disaster zone was beyond me.

I eventually came to a stop at a weathered and threadbare chair. I slipped into the chair with practiced ease, crossing my legs and folding my hands onto my lap. My face was a mask of diplomacy. I was going to need every ounce of my skills to get him to work with me, for both our packs' sakes.

He sneered at me. "You come in here all high and mighty, believing that since you are a Lycan and I am a Werewolf that I am someone that you can boss around! Well I have news for you, I'm not about to listen to some bitch!" He was standing now, spiddle flying out of his mouth as if he was a rabid wolf. His hands were trembling on the desk from his sheer enragement.

I raised an eyebrow, slightly amused by his outburst. It wasn't the first time that someone had tried to rip me to pieces with words, and it certainly wasn't about to be the last. Yet it wasn't his words that caught my attention, it was the slight movement that I detected from in the small storage closet directly behind him.

"I had no such intentions Alpha Lewis." I told him, my mask firmly in place as I tried to discretely scent the air. "I only wish for us to work together for the best intrests of our packs."

Honey, it smelled like the most delicious honey, it smelled like Janus. Not the week old, leftover sweatshirt smell, the I'm currently hiding in the back of a storage closet smell.

"Likely story. I know what that mark on your neck means. It would be a shame if Janus were to find out what it means." I heard the threat in his voice.

I stood slowly, like a cat stalking its prey. I leaned over closer to Williams, allowing my hair to fall into his face. "I'm sure you know due to the mark that graces your own neck." I whispered, the shock evident on his face. I leaned even closer before continuing. "Don't play games with me. Never think that you can play games with me." The coolness of my tone was more frightening than the threat itself.

I turned on my heel and strod out of the door, hesitating at the doorway, I tossed my head back over my shoulders to him. It took every ounce of his willpower for his beast not to submitt to the sheer power in my voice.

"We leave in two days time, 8AM. Inform your pack."

I continued out the door, hearing the smash of fists against wood and the throwing of paper. Once I heard the heavy footed footsteps echo down the hall I quickly doubled back. I leaned in the doorway of the open office door, waiting.

I didn't have to wait to long before a certain green eyed boy slipped out from the storage closet.

"Seven." I said, casually crossing my arms as he jumped in surprise.

"What do you mean seven?" He asked, his confusion evident.

"For your hiding skills." I explained. "Definitely a quick job, out of basic sight but be careful with moving while there are others in the room. It's the best way to get caught."

Realization dawned on his face as he understood that I had stood in the same position that he currently stood in.

"You will inform the pack?" I asked, now aware that he was the one who ran the pack, just like I had run mine.

He nodded. Taking that as my cue to leave, I turned and headed out of the office once more.

"Wait!" Janus called out. "Where are you going?" He asked, curiously brimming.

I smirked. "To play a game of chess." I said before I finally left, leaving a very confused Janus in my wake.

A few short minutes later I found myself back into the dimly lit room where I had been shown my past. I sat on that same cushion where I had sat before.

So much had changed is such a short period of time. The roles were now reversed, I was the one with the information and she was the one who wanted it.

The curiosity in her ancient eyes was evident, energy was thrumming through her body, as I gave her the basics of the plan. I told her our departure date and the plan to meet at central locations.

When I was done she leaned back, having leaned towards me as I was talking.

"What do you think?" I asked to her.

Her expression was thoughtful, her head tilted in thought. When she finally answered, her tone had returned to its earlier unemotional state.

"For someone who doesn't remember a single strategy lesson, not half bad."

She moved one piece on the board between us, placing it in front of my king. "Checkmate." She said, her tone emotionless but her eyes betrayed her, showing a sense of elation.

She thought she had me cornered with one of her stongest pieces, yet I was in position to make a move. Two moves later my weakest pieces had her cornered, unable to move. Her discredit of pieces that she considered not strong was her downfall.

"You should know not to play games with me." I said, my emotions were reigned in, the same as hers.

Yet at my words anger flashed across her face, for just a split second. After that split second her face smoothed back into its usual mask, as if it had never happened.

She gave a good natured smile. "Beginners luck." She said as we put away the chess pieces. I didn't bother to argue with her, I had the feeling that she would never recognize her own defeat.

As I left the room I took a deep breath, breathing in air that wasn't filled with tensions for the first time that day. It was the first time that I had been alone today.

I let out my deep breath slowly, my head spinning with all that I had to do. Making a list in my head I began to move forward once more.

I had to inform the pack, pack a bag...

Hello everyone! Hopefully your Thanksgiving went well and you are enjoying the weekend. Anyway please comment and vote to let me know what you think! Until next time...

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