Chapter Five

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Harry Pov

I did it. I told him. And it turns out he loves me too! I can't believe it, I'm just so happy. And the best of all he kissed me! Well I mean I kissed him but he kissed back! Anyway you probably want to know what happened next...

We were kissing when I had to break apart for air. We were both breathing heavily and looking at each other. His eyes were sparkling in the dim lights of my hotel room making him look even more beautiful than he already is, if that's possible. "Wow" he breathed out "yeah wow" I replied out of breath still. He smiled at me "I can't believe you have felt the same all these years and I had no idea" he said hugging me. "I know. I feel the same" we stayed like that hugging until I remembered "what about management?" I asked he furrowed his eyebrows "what about management?" He asked "well I mean if we do end up being together, I mean you know they don't approve of us being together. Even when we weren't together they were on our asses-" Louis cut me off "fuck management. And what are you talking about 'if' we get together Harry?" I blushed "I mean you haven't asked me out or anything" I answered and he smiled his eyes forming the crinkles around them and sparkling even more in the light "Harry would you like to go out with me?" He asked and I smiled showing my dimples "yes, I would love too" we both smiled and kissed again. He pulled away from the kiss and pulled me into a hug "don't worry about management right now Haz. We just have to be strong and push past everything they through at us. We can do that can't we?" He asked and I nodded into his shoulder "thanks Lou, I love you" I said and smiled.

"Are you staying here tonight or going back to your room?" I asked secretly hoping he would stay. "Yeah I think I'll stay here tonight. If that's ok with you" he winked at me making me blush. He must have seen my blush because he giggled at me and held out his arms for me to walk into. I quickly did because I love his hugs, so warm and cuddly. "Let's go to bed" he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. We crawled in to bed and he cuddled into my arms and sighed "you have no idea how much times I have dreamed of this" he said after a short silence "oh I think I might" I said with a smile making us both laugh. "I love you" he said before we both fell asleep.

I woke up by Niall jumping above me on the bed "you told him?! You told him?!" He was chanting with a big smile on his face. I opened my eyes and remembered last night and smiled. Then I looked over to see Louis was gone "he went down to breakfast with Zayn and Liam, they are waiting for us. Now get your ass up lover boy" he said I rolled my eyes as he sat on the edge of my bed. "Well hurry now" he said annoyed. "I'm going, I'm going" I said

Once I was dressed Niall and I headed down to the lobby were everyone was waiting. I  immediately spotted Louis and smiled at him. He smiled back and handed my a cup of coffee. "I figured you would like a cup, since it's super early in the morning" he said and I smiled. I was about to kiss him on the cheek when I saw Simon and remembered, we can't do that. Not in public. "Morning boys" he said clapping his hands together "morning Simon" Liam answered. "How was your first show boys" he asked "it was great" Liam answered yet again because we were all too tired. "Alright then I will leave you to it. Have fun boys" he said walking away, but as he was leaving he laid eyes on Louis and I standing so close together and I can tell he's not very happy. "Damn it" I said under my breath. Louis must have heard because he whispered in my ear "it's alright love, calm down" and I immediately felt relief run through my body because I have him. I have Louis and that's all that matters. Fuck management. I want to be happy and he's the only eat that's going to happen.

After breakfast we went to rehearsals. Simon and our team got there before us and were setting up the stage. Once that was done we practiced our songs and got ready for the show.

I was in my dressing room getting ready because the show started in 15 minutes, when Louis came in and plopped down on my couch. I turned to him "hey what up?" I asked "nothing just missed you presents" he said and laughed, I laughed too. "Nervous?" He asked and I nodded "no need to be love. Your amazing" he said and got up to kiss me "thank you, so are you love" I said. He laughed. "Alright show time boys!" Paul yelled "well here we go" I whispered and he pecked my lips "here we go"

P.S guys I don't write smut. Sorry if that's what your looking for read something else.

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