Chapter Twenty-Two

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Harry  Pov

I woke up to my phone ringing, alone. Of course I'm alone, Lou hasn't slept with me for weeks. I sighed and rolled over to grab my phone from the charger. "Hello?" I asked "Harry!" Kendall's voice rang out from the other end "good morning!" She said cheerfully "morning Kendall" I said laying back down and closing my eyes, not in the mood to talk. "I was wondering if you would like to hand out today, since it's your day off?" She asked and I opened my eyes, how did she know it was my day off? "How did you know it was my day off?" I asked "oh, Simon told me when I talked to him" she said, and why is she talking to Simon "uh ok um, when?" I asked. I really didn't want to, but if she's talking to Simon, I have too. "How about for lunch...say 12:30?" She asked and I nodded looking over at the clock, 10:30 "ok I'll text you later" I said and hung up, I really wanted to hang out with Louis today, but now he has to stay with Zayn, I don't think he minds anyway. Him and Zayn are really close.

I took a shower and got dressed, I went to Louis and Zayns room. I knocked and nobody answered, they are probably still sleeping, I sighed and knocked again. The door opened and Liam came into view. I looked at him confused "I passed out here last night after we went clubbing" he said with a sigh. Oh, they went clubbing? I was with Kendall so... "Oh uh ok, is Louis awake?" I asked and he shook his head "no, but you can come in and wake him up if you like?" He said moving so I could walk in, I hesitated then shook my head "uh no I have to go out with Kendall, maybe it will be easier if you just tell him, we were supposed to spend the day together, maybe he won't be as hurt if you tell him" I said "I don't know about that Harry, I think it will hurt him more, but it's up to you, see you later" he said disappointed while closing the door. What did he mean by that 'think it will hurt him more?' What?! I shook it off and texted Kendall I was on my way.

Louis Pov

My head is throbbing. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut "you awake?" Liam asked softly "yeah" I breathed out "Harry stopped by" he said and I opened my eyes "yeah?" I asked again already knowing what he's going to say. "He's going out with Kendall" he said and I felt a pang in my chest but I ignored it " yeah" I said rolling over and stuffing my face into my pillow "are you ok Lou?" He asked I nodded "yeah I just wanna sleep" I said closing my eyes, not wanting to think about Kendall and Harry. Lately that's all I think about. "Alright mate, I'm going back to my room" he said rubbing my back. Sometimes I think Liam's a better boyfriend than Harry, and he's not even my boyfriend! "Alright Li. See ya later" I said and he left.

"Louis Tomlinson!!!" Niall yelled as he jumped on my bed. "Niall, stop!" I yelled hitting his leg "come on, we're going to spend the whole day with Liam and Zayn and then tonight we are going out" he said and I nodded "ok Niall, just a second" I said. I slowly got up from my bed, groaning when I felt how much pain my muscles were in. I got clothes and changed, just my normal black skinnies with a white tank top. I tried messing with my hair but it didn't do any good "are you finally ready?" Niall asked as I walked out of the bathroom and I laughed and followed him out the door.

We met Zayn and Liam at the car "so, where are we going lads?" I asked and they smiled "we are going to the movies" Liam said excitedly. I laughed and nodded, getting in the car. We haven't been to the movies in ages.

Once we got there we paid to get in and got snacks and drinks, then we went to ding our seats, with difficulty of course, people recognised us.

We were watching a movie called 'Batman Vs. Superman' of course Liam. I'm not into the super heroes that much, they are just telling kids that everything's going to be fine in the end, when usually it won't be, but why not let the kids believe that while they can. Niall and Liam seemed to get into it though.

Once the movie was done we went back to our hotel, we visited with a few fans first. When we were at the hotel we all went to Zayn and I's room to hang out before we went out tonight.

"No but really guys she grabbed my ass!" Liam yelled as we all laughed "it was just a little squeeze but it was still very awkward" he said making us laugh again "it's not funny" he mumbled "yes it is Li, come on you have to admit it!" Zayn said in between laughs. Liam rolled his eyes, but eventually broke and joined the laughter. He was explaining how some girl squeezed his ass while taking a picture.

Finally it was 8:00 and we could go out, we were all bored and anxious. Niall was jumping around as we got out of the car at the club. "We are going to get so drunk!" He called, we laughed and walked in. The smell of alcohol, sweat and sex fill he air, making it hard to breath. I always loved clubbing, but I hate the smell. We walked up to that bar and ordered our drinks.

"Wanna come out and dance?" A very drunk Niall came and asked Zayn and I, we decided not to get to drunk because we had to watch Niall, and we're just not feeling it tonight. "Nah, thanks Ni, we'll hang here" Zayn said shoving Niall off. "We should probably head back soon!" Liam came over shouting over the loud music "yeah ok I'll go get Niall!" I said and walked off into the crowd. I found him right away and dragged him out. He was whining, but he followed.

We got out to our car and got in. We drove to the hotel and the whole way Niall was singing 'Midnight Memories' no correction yelling.

We helped Niall the his room and made sure he fell asleep, we left him a bucket, a pill and some water for when he wakes up. Zayn and I said goodnight to Liam and made our way to our room. It was about 1:00am and we were so tired. We also had work tomorrow. Yay. We got to our door and Zayn fished his key out. "I'm so fucking tired!" I said falling onto my bed. "Same. Hey you left you phone here, holy shit, you have so much messages" Zayn said throwing my phone over. I was wondering where I had left it. All my messages were from Harry. Oops. "Harry?" Zayn asked "yup" I said dialling his number.

"Louis?" Harry answered right away "yeah, hey sorry I left my phone on the hotel room earlier" I said and Harry sighed "ok-wait where were you?" He asked and I sighed "the boys and I went out clubbing" I said "and you were out this late?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows "uh yeah why?" I asked "nothing, you just should have told me that's all" he said and I scoffed "yeah like you told me you were going out with Kendall?" I asked. I heard him sigh "that's different Lou" he said and I could feel the anger boiling inside me "how Harry?" I asked trying not to yell "no, you know what, I have to go, bye Harry" I said, hen I hung up.

Sorry my updates are kind of slow. 😁

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