Chapter Eleven

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Harry Pov

Today we had another show in another town I have never heard of, but whatever it's my job. It's our job. So as usual we were rehearsing but it was going so bad, Simon was yelling at us to focus while Louis and Liam messed with Niall. Niall just laughed and played along making Simon more pissed. I just sat around minding my own business because I was still angry at our management for not letting Louis and I be together. But hey it's not stopping us. It's weird because Liam was usually was the one telling us to behave but now- I think he hates Simon just as we do. I mean we love him and all but he changed. He's not the loving 'father figure' he used to be. He's meaner and he acts like everything we do is wrong. I got knocked out of my daydream by a yell, from Simon "goddamnit boys! Get to work!" He screamed making the boys stop and grab their microphones. "Good now work we have a show in three hours" he said. I looked over to Louis only to see him looking back at me, he smiled and mouthed an 'I love you' I smiled and mouthed it back.

Three hours went by slowly but they finally flew by and it was show time. We walked on stage to all the screaming fans and we all smiled and waved even though we were all tired and frustrated. I looked over to Louis to see he had his arm around Zayn who was whispering things into his ear and laughing. I was feeling super jealous, like that burning feeling you get in your chest and you just want to punch something. Louis noticed this and he smiled and me. I smiled back even though I was pissed as shit at Zayn right now, I'm going to have a talk with him after this show.

The show flew by and before I knew it I was sitting in my dressing room pacing around the room, waiting for Louis to come and see me. Finally right on the dot he walks in "hey Haz!" He said closing the door. I stopped and looked at him "um what's wrong?" He asked, I must have been starring at him. He took a step forward obviously noticing something was wrong "I saw you and Zayn" I said looking down at the floor. I heard him sigh and I looked up at him "really Harry?" He laughed "what?! It's not funny!" I said and to be honest I was getting a little angry that he found my jealousy funny. "Are you really jealous of him?" He asked, I looked at him with wide eyes "what if I was?" I asked "well that would be ridiculous" he said walking closer and wrapping his arms around me "because I love you" he said pecking my nose. I smiled and kissed his lips "I'm sorry I acted like this. I just, I love you" he smiled and lifted my chin with his finger, making me look him in the eyes "I don't mind. I love you. Zayn is nothing but a friend, nothing to worry about. I love you and you only" he whispered and kissed my lips.

We had to take off and head to our hotels and of course Louis and Zayn are sharing a room while I get my own. We arrived and hopped out of the car and into the hotel. We got our keys and headed to the elevator and went up to the tenth floor. Once we got off Liam and Niall said goodnight and Zayn turned to Louis and I "if you guys wanna share a room, Harry you and I can switch keys and I won't tell management" Zayn said and Louis and I looked at each other "really?" I asked and Zayn nodded "yeah I  know you guys don't have it easy so...if you want" he held out the key and I took it handing him mine "thanks mate" I said "yeah thanks Zayn" Louis said patting his back "no problem guys" he said heading down the hall "goodnight! And be safe!" He called making us both go red. I heard him chuckle before he went into his room. "Well ok" Louis said. I laughed awkwardly. It's too early in our relationship for...that. Even though I love him and I would totally be ready if we did but I don't think our relationship is ready for something so...intimate.

We walked into our room and fell on the bed "I'm. So. Tired" Louis said. I laughed at him as he turned around to look at me "I love you" he said and kissed me "I loved you too" I smiled. I snuggled into his side and sighed contently he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. Then we fell asleep.

We woke up to Niall knocking on our door "wake up love birds! He gotta go get breakfast!" He yelled and we both turned to look at each other and laughed "we're coming Niall!" Louis yelled. We got out of bed and got dressed.

    After breakfast

After breakfast we had to go to the arena we were preforming at tonight. Once we got there we got out. We were all full of energy, so we ran in excited for the show tonight. We walked in and the excitement was gone once we saw Simon. "Morning boy!" He said smiling at us, we all gave him small smiled except for Louis, I nudged him and got his attention, then he smiled. "Alright, now let's get to work, we still have to finish putting the stage together and-" I spaced out because ever since Zayn said something about Louis and I doing it I haven't gotten it out of my mind. It's quite embarrassing though because I can get a little..excited. I shook my head to try and get the thoughts out of my head but it was too late Louis noticed "what are you thinking about?" He asked gesturing to my lower areas. My face went completely red and I looked away from him. He raised his eyebrow and grabbed my hand "c'mere" he said and pulled me along to his dressing room "well uh I'll um take care of this" I whispered "no, let me do it for you" he said walking up to me and kissing my lips "are you sure?" I asked "yeah, I mean it's not sex and it's nothing I haven't seen before" he winked making me blush even more. He connected our lips and took my shirt off and threw it across the room. He pushed me on the bed and started working on my pants.

That was the first time I had ever had a blow job.

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