Chapter Sixteen

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Louis Pov

So it's been two days since harry and I 'left the band', and the boys and Simon haven't stopped calling us and Im secretly worried Simons going to send my dad after us. That would be something he would do.

I was laying in my bed, next to a sleeping Harry. I looked over at him, he looked so calm and stress free for the first time all week, his hair sprawled out over the pillow, mouth slightly parted, soft snores escaping. I smiled and brushed a curl out of his face, then he started to stir, he opened his beautiful green eyes and met them with my ocean blue ones. He smiled, showing his dimples "good morning" I said quietly "good morning" he said with a soft yet raspy from sleep voice. He leaned in to plant a quick kiss to my lips before announcing that he was going to make us some breakfast. I nodded and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I walked downstairs to the smell of pancakes, my favourite. I went into the kitchen where Harry was standing in front of the stove with a spatula and a pan. I smiled and walked over to him "smells delicious" I said hopping on the counter, getting his attention, he looked at me and smirked "oh I know" he said with full cockiness. I laughed and grabbed a piece of bacon off of the plate, only to get it slapped out of my hand "hey, you can wait!" Harry screeched. I put my hands up in surrender and hopped off the counter "fine, jeez Haz, so serious" I said playfully earning a glare from him. Then we both broke out into laughter.

Finally breakfast was done and we both sat down and ate. We made each other laugh with stupid jokes (mostly from Harry) until my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID then looked at Harry "Simon" I said putting my phone on silent and laying it down on he screen, Harry sighed and got up from his chair. I furrowed my eyebrows and followed him "what's wrong?" I asked, he had his elbows on the counter and his head in his hands. I put my hand on he small of his back, he looked up at me "maybe we should just answer the phone when they call, they always ruin the best moments. Maybe we should just tell them we're out" he said "I just wish it was that easy Harry, they would never really let us out" I said looking away "no, Simon won't let us out" he said quietly and I nodded "yeah" was all I could say. Harry turned around to face me "I love you, you know that right?" He asked and I nodded "yeah... I love you too" I said unsure of why he just blurted that out of nowhere. "Well I have an idea and you may not like it, so just remember that you love me, ok?" He asked and I nodded unsure yet again.

Harry Pov

I know this plan could possibly burn and kill the relationship I have with Louis, I'm still not sure I wanna go through with it and tell him but I feel like I have to, to save us and the boys. We sat down on the couch and I was really nervous, like so nervous I was shaking and sweating. I really love Louis and I don't want to lose him. "Ok um I was thinking we could go back to the band-" I started but he cut me off "Harry, you can go back to the band, you know that, I'm not going to stop you, but I'm not going back" he said "no Lou, you have to, for me, please?" I practically begged "if I go back will you?" I asked and he sighed but nodded, I smiled "is that all you wanted why were you worried that I would be mad then?" He asked with a little laugh. That reminded me "no, Lou that's not it, I was going to say we could go back and pretend that we're not together-" I was cut off yet again "Harry I don't want to do that, you know what happened the last time we did that" he said and I nodded, this was the part I was scared for "no, I know, I was thinking I could have a fake girlfriend or something and we could make Simon believe it was real" I said looking down, it was silent for a while so I decided to look up. Louis looked hurt to say the least, now I was scared, I hurt him, damn it I knew this would happen, why was I so stupid?! "I have to go take a walk" Louis said standing up. "Oh do you want me to come with you?" I said hoping he'd say yes "no that's ok Harry, I need to be alone right now" he said and I nodded. He great bed his hoodie and put it on so he wouldn't be recognised. Then he opened the door and walked out. I laid on the couch and thought, I thought about anything and everything to try to get my mind off of my doomed relationship, but I couldn't so I ended up crying myself to sleep on the couch.

I woke up and looked at the clock, it was dark so it must have been late, 4:30 in the morning. Then I remembered Louis, I got up off the couch and went to see if he was in his room, nope. I checked the bathrooms, nope. My room, nope. Kitchen, nope. Music room, nope. He's not home, but where is he then? I grabbed my phone and called him, I waited but he didn't answer, I started to get worried again that when I heard the door open. I ran to the entry way only to be met with a very tipsy Louis "hey Haz!" He said cheerfully and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. "Hey Lou, let's get you to bed" I said and picked him up, since he's smaller than me, I can do that "you know Haz I'm not mad at you" he said resting his head on my shoulder "your not?" I asked, surprised "no, I don't blame you for wanting to fix the band, I don't care if you want a fake girlfriend. As long as your mine" he said and I could kiss him right there, so I did "I promise Lou, I will be and we'll make this work, I love you" I said and kissed him again "I love you to" he said then he stumbled and fell on top of me "oops, sorry" he laughed and got up, helping me up too "it's ok" I said standing up and giving him a little smile, he returned it and then spoke "can we go to bed now?" He asked and I nodded. We walked to his room and laid down and cuddled up. I'm so glad he's ok with this, it's a way to save our jobs and be in a relationship at the same time.

Liam Pov

I picked my phone up, again and called Louis. This time to my surprise he answered. "Hello, Liam" he said cheerfully into the phone as if none of this is happening. "Louis, where are you?" I asked in a hushed tone so Simon won't hear "Harry and I are in London, we had to get away from everything Li, I'm sorry" he said and I sighed "Louis you guy have to come back, Simon is losing his mind and taking it out on us" I said "I know we're coming back, we catch the next flight to Texas tomorrow, but we have a lot to talk about, just us boys, meet us at the address I text you when we land ok?" He asked and I nodded then I remembered he can't see me "yeah ok we can do that, thanks Lou" I said and we said our goodbyes and hung up.

Louis Pov

Harry and I are sitting in the London airport waiting for our flight. We didn't say anything to each other, there was nothing to say and to be honest I was bothered by his idea, but I love him and I want him to be happy and if this is it then so be it.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was on vacation 💤

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