Chapter Fourteen

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Louis Pov (earlier)

I have to get out of here. I hate Simon. I hate my dad. I hate myself. I hurt Harry, and I can't live with that. I got up off the couch in my dressing room and opened the door, I stuck my head out to make sure nobody was around to see me leave, no one was so I slipped out and closed the door behind me. I walked the opposite way down the hall then I would to get to the stage. I walked until I saw a sign that 'Exit' I walked to the door and opened it.

I stepped out into the brisk air of September and tightened my coat around my shoulders. I had no idea where I was going I just had to get away from Simon, from my dad, from Harry. I pulled my hood up hopping no fans would recognise me. As I walked I let a few tears fall from my eyes, my dad did more then just threaten Harry, he threatened the whole band and that's not the worst of it. But you should know that my dad is a terrible person, he used to hit my mom and sister and of course me. He was cruel to every friend I brought home to meet my mom, especially if they have were boys. I almost lost one of my sisters to him, he beat her almost to death. It was the worse day of my life, besides this one.

I know what I did was a terrible idea, 'running away'. I'm probably going to get kicked out of the band, but I don't care. I won't have to deal with Simon or see Harry everyday. Even though I love seeing Harry, but I think it would hurt both of us. I just love him so much and I can't believe we had to end it because my father! Aren't parents supposed to be happy about their kids finding the one? Nope not him. So I just kept walking. I have to get as far away from the arena before showtime, so they can't find me. Maybe I'll fly back to London tonight.

Harry Pov

"Where's Louis?" Simon asked and we all looked at him like a deer caught in headlights "oh um, he um, he didn't feel good so he went back to the hotel" Liam said but Simon looked unconvinced "I was just there, I didn't see him" Simon pressured "well uh maybe you just missed him going up?" I said, Simon narrowed his eyes "well call him, he can't miss the show" he said turning and walking away. "Shit! Has anyone called him?" I asked and Niall and Zayn nodded "we called and texted like a million times. He's not answering" Zayn said and I sighed pulling at my hair "I'll call him maybe he'll answer for me" I said and they nodded. I whipped my phone out and dialled Louis number, I have it memorised, don't judge me, I love him!

I put it up to my ear and listened to it ring, I waited for him to answer, but it just kept ringing. Then it went to voicemail and that's when I let the tears fall, I was so stressed and I just wanted to hear his voice, to know he was okay and not dead on the street somewhere. I just wanted him. "Hey mate I'm sure he's ok" Liam said wrapping an arm around my shoulder attempting to comfort me, but nothing's going to work, only Louis. I nodded anyway, even though I was so scared of losing him, even thought I pretty much already have. "Yeah Li I'm sure you right" I said sniffling and wiping my nose with the back of my hand. I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands "we have to find him before the show though, guys, or Simons going to kick him out. I guaranty it" I said boldly. They all nodded. Just then Simon walked in "still no Louis?" He asked sounding slightly annoyed "um no he won't answer his phone" Liam said while I hid my face from Simon, so he wouldn't see I was crying. "Oh well then I'll go to the hotel and fetch him" he said and I stood up "no! We can go get him" I said and Simon nodded slowly "alright" he said hesitantly "just be back before the show, with Louis" and with that he turned and walked away. I let out a breath that I had no idea I was holding.

We've been searching for Louis for three hours now and we have to be back in a half hour for the show. We were screwed, Louis was screwed. "GOD!" I yelled "I can't believe we can't find him!" My voice cracked as more tears made their way out of my eyes. "Hey   will" Liam said, trying to act calm but I know he's freaking out on the inside. "NO, LIAM IT WON'T!" I yelled taking him back, I sighed "I'm sorry, I'm just worried" I said and he put his hand in my back "I know, I am too" he said. "No but Liam you don't understand, I love him, I wanna be with him. But we can't because of management, that's why he left, for me, he wants to leave the band so it doesn't hurt me!" I said crying harder. Liam looked confused, then realisation hit "that makes so much since" he said "that's why we have to find him" I said and Liam looked at me confused "so I can tell him that it's ok, he doesn't have to feel bad about ending it, that I understand" I said looking down and playing with my fingers. "Ok then we'll find him" Liam said while he others nodded.

"Fuck!" I yelled as we walked into the arena, I could already hear the screaming fans. As you've probably guessed, we had no luck finding Louis, at all. Of course Simon had to walk up to us "alright- where's Louis?" He asked and Liam looked down, I knew what he was doing, no Liam please don't tell him, no. We all looked at Liam Zayn and I looked at each other, worried he would spill and tell on Louis "we lost him" he said those three words, and not the good kind, that broke my heart. Zayn walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders, I felt like I was going to faint "what do you mean you lost him?!" Simon yelled "as in we don't know where he is" Liam said and I felt tears running down my face and an overwhelming anger "you fucking bastard!" I yelled at Liam, he looked at me with wide eyes, Zayn grabbed my arm but I shook it off "no, you bastard" I said pointing a finger at Liam, I looked at all the boy and they looked shocked by my behaviour. "WHAT?!" I yelled making all of them look away. "Harry, what had gotten into you?!" Simon asked and I turned to him "ha, what's gotten into me?! What's gotten into me?! You Simon! I love Louis and I want to be with him. But you- you won't let that happen that's why he ran off" I said my voice softening as I fell into Zayns arms and cried. "I'm so sorry" I whispered to them. "Well obviously I'll have to deal with Louis, but you boys have a show to put on!" Simon said as if this whole thing didn't just happen. Liam looked at him "Harry can't preform like this!" He said "he's gonna have to" Simon said and we all got up.

"Are you going to be ok?" Niall asked and I shook my head "no but I can do this" I said and he gave me a small smile. We walked on stage to all the screaming fans, I watched as their faces went from happy to confused. They started yelling 'where's Louis?' And I couldn't take it. I ran off stage. I just ran. I had to get out of here. I have to find Louis.

Ooh cliff hanger, sorry.

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