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Hey so you might've seen I unpublished this but I'm putting it back since a lot of people wanted it. I wrote this when I was 14 so it's pretty bad in my opinion, in terms of writing and grammar and no common sense and all the typos, hahaha. But if it's nostalgic for you then you can have it back. Beware!

"Congratulations, Mrs. Iero, you've given birth to a baby boy." The smiling nurse handed the small and crying baby to his mother. The baby was wrapped in a pure white blanket, his skin pink against the light color. His nearly black hair was matted down and his eyes were large and hazel, just like his mother's.

Linda Iero smiled down at her newborn child and cradled him in her arms, gently rocking him back and forth. Though she was weak from giving birth, her arms found the strength to hold her baby boy for the first time. Her husband Frank squeezed her shoulder with a smile of his own as he looked down at his son. Linda cooed gentle words to her baby and his crying slowly ceased. Her heart warmed at the sight of her baby staring up at her with his new and shimmering hazel eyes. He was beautiful, and he was all hers.

"We have his name in the system already. Frank Anthony Iero, Jr." The nurse took a small white controller into her hand and clicked the 'on' button at the top. In front of Frank's parents and the nurse appeared a pixelated blue hologram coming from a projector hanging above their heads that shone brightly and illuminated the room with a blue hue. Swirls and circles floated around into the hologram, loading and gathering all the data in order to bring up Frank's hospital information. The pixels all came together in a graceful wave to create the image of Frank's new hospital file - the date of birth, parents, blood type, everything. It all came together before their eyes.

"We are prepared to match him, if you'd like to see it. Most parents like to see who their child is matched with the moment it happens." The nurse smiled.
Linda nodded eagerly. She knew from the moment she realized her pregnancy that her child would be matched some day just like the rest of the children in 2030. Linda appreciated the system of matching in the brand new Battery City. The entire place was built with systems and technology other regions of the world had yet to see. It was all secluded and only those who were invited could come and live there. The only catch was that  you could not bring children with you when you first come to live there - the matching system would mess up. The only children allowed in Battery City were the ones you birthed in the city itself.

The Matching system determined who each child was meant to be with. A quick and easy brain scan was all it took to see who the child was born to spend the rest of their life with - of course, all of the matches stayed within Battery City only. The place was a large island perhaps half the size of America. Many people lived and birthed there, no child went unmatched. Some were matched with children who were yet to be born, which is why each parent learned the sex of their child as soon as possible and named them, resulting in their unborn children being put into the system's files.

And as the Nurse pressed another button on the tiny remote in her hand, the pixels all appeared to move apart and spiral towards the ground with a rainfall effect, but before they hit the ground, the rose back up with lightening speed and began forming another image, crafting who Frank Iero was meant to be with, who his soulmate was going to be. Linda felt her heartbeat increase as the pixels created the picture as fast as they could go, and she was never overwhelmed when the picture was complete and loaded up in front of them. She grinned widely, holding her baby close to her chest -

Only to gasp with horror at the image that appeared in front of her. She couldn't believe the words that appeared in the hologram - no, she could not believe the person it had given to her son, her baby boy.

Way, Arthur Gerard
Sex: Male
Birth date: 4/9/030
Race: Caucasian
Parents: Donna/Donald Way
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown


"What in the world is this?" Mr. Iero asked frantically from behind his wife. "They matched my son with a boy!"

"Surely this must be some kind of mistake, homosexual matches are unheard of!" Linda looked down at her now sleeping baby with worried eyes. She rocked him gently, turning her attention back to the shocked nurse standing in front of them.

"I'm so sorry, Mr and Mrs. Iero, there has surely been a glitch in the system." The nurse waved her hands around nervously. "This has happened once or twice before since the system launched and I can assure you that those children are in a heterosexual relationship or will be in one like they are meant to. I'll notify the Staff in the city about this."

"Please, do it soon." Mr. Iero put his arm around his wife and looked away in disgust from the failed match that was still projected before his eyes. Linda only looked at her baby and concerned over the glitch that had taken place in the room. He slept with soft breaths in her arms - a little angel, she swore he was. She hoped that the glitch here stayed a glitch. Or else she feared the worst for her child and the system in Battery City. Surely, they would be banished if this truly was Frank's match.

All Linda could do was hope to get Frank's real results back so she could raise her child in peace.



Nestor, Jamia
Sex: Female
Birth date: 6/8/030
Race: Caucasian
Parents: Emma/Scott Nestor
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown


Linda wiped away the tears spilling down her face and she finished with the computer in front of her. The system lagged from being hacked into and her fingers were wobbly while she typed in the information of her friends daughter. She fixed whatever little mistakes she had made, along with switching Jamia's match to Frank. Linda hurried so she wouldn't get caught, and when she was done, her son was officially matched to Jamia Nestor even if it was not by destiny.

You see, despite the city reviewing Frank's match and redoing it, the results were still the same even after redoing it. Frank's supposed soulmate was this Gerard Way boy he was stuck with since the very beginning. All of it was correct, and Linda even saw her son's brain scan - the only brain scan in the world that could see into a person's future. The technology was so rich and advanced that there was only one city that could do it, just one in the world, and its engineering was kept top secret from the rest of the human population. Such technology must be protected.

In Frank's future, he was there, a teenager, sharing a tender kiss with another boy with black hair - the boy in which the system identified as Gerard Way. And Linda could not have that, her heart dropped at the sight. And though her son looked terribly in love with this boy, her own selfishness couldn't be stood against.

As she watched a made up vision of Frank kissing a teenage Jamia instead, the screen glitched and wavered, for the system knew it was an incorrect malfunction, Linda continued to cry, because her son did not look happy, and neither did the poor young girl.

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