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2045, Frank: 16 years old

Frank watched as the beautiful figment of his imagination hopped over the stream of water to get to the other side of it. He watched as the other turned around and smiled at Frank, gesturing for him to follow. Frank was in sort of a daze while he had been watching the person in his dream cross the stream. The other teenager laughed and started to run.

Frank chased after him. Just like every dream, Frank found himself chasing after Gerard in more than one way. He could hear the raven haired boy's giggles from the short distance between them. Gerard managed to stay ahead because his legs were longer than Frank's - yes, Frank had remained short even at the age of sixteen and he hoped to grow at least two inches taller so he would not feel like a woodland creature next to Gerard. And he, the person Frank's subconscious mind had grown up with, was certainly finished growing as it seemed.

Three years ago, Frank had conjured up a sanctuary in his dreams, a peaceful woods adorned with skies that were never cloudy and days that were never hot and sticky nor cold and bitter. Every inch of greenery was left untouched by humanity as all of nature should have been; this was Frank's belief. The dreamland that Frank landed in every night when he drifted off to sleep. And all of these nights, Gerard came along with the pieces of seemingly never-ending land. All of it was a perfect scenario that Frank yearned to escape to every day, a piece of mind that there was a place where someone there waited for him. The figment of his imagination, the beautiful hallucination roaming the woods of his dreams.

Gerard and Frank surely did not trust each other in the beginning. Frank was afraid of Gerard whilst Gerard was extremely weary of Frank's presence. The two were the same age and yet they did not have the courage to speak to each other. But Frank was constantly curious about the boy, about the strange things he did by himself like singing or speaking quietly to himself as he stared at his reflection in the stream in the forest. Most of all, Frank was intrigued by how unique Gerard was - but this was based on beauty. Frank had seen many beautiful girls, many attractive men, but none of them were quite like Gerard.

Gerard was delicate, fragile looking. His pale and soft skin did not turn red in the sunlight, it seemed to glow from how smooth and healthy it was. His eyelashes were curled and his eyes were two ponds of olive green and specks of golds and browns. His jaw was delicate but had a sharp structure, and his cheeks were filled out. Frank's favorite part of Gerard was his hands - the artistic thin pale wrists and the thick and long fingers, covered in his satiny pale skin, and the short fingernails that seemed to be chewed to stubs. The very tips of his fingers were a gentle pink.

Frank had observed Gerard from afar until the two finally cracked and began to speak to each other. Every night and every single dream over the course of three years, they talked and talked until there was seemingly nothing left to know about each other and the teenagers had a strong unbreakable bond. It was strange how they were drawn together and how easy it was for them to connect just by looking the other in the eye. They both grew and watched each other develop, grow taller and watched their faces change. Their understanding would have been envied by thousands if it were not all a dream. And as more time passed, a deeper bond was beginning to form.

It was an odd feeling that Frank was beginning to experience - he found that his heart began to stutter and pound whenever Gerard laughed at something Frank had said, and he longed for the ability of being able to feel Gerard when he touched him. He wanted to see if Gerard's skin was as soft as it appeared, he wanted to run his fingers through Gerard's inky hair to remove the tangles from it. But most of all, he felt the warmest churning in his stomach whenever he simply looked at Gerard. The boy was so beautiful, even more as time passed, and Frank felt like he was falling into a well whenever he looked into Gerard's hazel irises. Frank had not clue what this feeling was, he had never experienced it, but he knew if he asked Gerard, the boy would know. If Frank knew a thing or two about Gerard, it was that the teenager was intelligent.

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