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Continuation? I think so.

Upon a beautiful day in Battery City, all might've thought of it as peaceful, perhaps settle down onto their porches in front of their houses, spend time with their families and doing outdoor activities with each other. The music of children's laughter would fill the air, carrying over the trees tops and being blown away by the subtle winds flitting through the atmosphere. The sound of joy, ice tinkling in cups of cool beverages, birds chirping in the branches of tall trees fully grown out with wide green leaves that shimmered subtly under the bright rays of sunlight shining down onto everyone. The sun was what kept everyone warm, fed the flowers, provided a light versus the pitch black night made.

Frank wished he could enjoy this beautiful day. He wished he could be at home with his family for just one more time. Watching the sunlight shining it may have been beautiful to see - the golden rays painting over the cottage he currently sought refuge in. But the beauty was cut short, this house was only a reminder of everything that had happened, constantly probing at his brain and telling him that he needed to constantly worry. The crease between his eyebrows seemed permanent now no matter how many times that morning Gerard had reached out with his delicate hand and tried to smooth out the wrinkle with his thumb. Then his hand would always slide down and caress his cheek, making Frank look up and meet the honey grass colored eyes belonging to his Match. Two ponds of love and sadness, reflecting the past and the future all at once. Although now, Frank could barely see a future, it was getting harder with every second that passed to imagine it like he used to.

Then Frank would look away and leave Gerard's hand to slowly fall away and from the corner of his eyes, he saw the latter turning his head to the side and staring straight ahead. The pot of guilt bubbled over and boiled in the pit of Frank's stomach and all he could do was turn again and kiss Gerard, whether it was on the cheek or the lips to let him know that he was not too far gone to not acknowledge and love him. Gerard would always sigh with relief and let his eyes flutter shut, give Frank a kiss in return, and then they went silent before the cycle started all over again. Frank often found his eyes lifting and looking at the clock and watching the small hands ticking by. Each minute felt like an hour, a second lasting a span of five minutes. He felt like he was waiting for the unimaginable to happen, whether that be someone rushing to save them or barging into the house to kill them on the spot. A miniscule portion of his brain considered that the pair were never meant to be saved and their bleak fate had been set up for them the moment they were born, their lives were intended to end at a certain time for a specific reason, and it would be an unfair death compared to the peaceful drifting old souls did when they were ready to leave their worn and tired bodies. Were they meant to be killed, to have the cold and unforgiving metal of a gun pressed against their temples?

He knew he would turn away if Gerard were to be killed first.

Needles punctured Frank's heart just to imagine it. Grimacing, he shook the thought away from his head and instead looked at Gerard again. The latter was sitting down on the edge of the couch along with Frank, facing away from him and staring out the window instead. Ever since they had risen in the morning and eaten something, they sat here and did not move an inch. Frank felt trapped in time, Gerard was in a completely different universe from him. For the first time in such a long while, Frank felt so far away from Gerard despite being just a handful of inches away from him. He had not felt that way since their dreams, the ones that were torture because he could not touch or feel the boy he had fallen in love with. If he reached out now and touched Gerard, he was afraid he would feel nothing but cold empty air, an invisible barrier over his skin that prevented him from feeling the warmth of soft flesh and clothing. He listened to Gerard take in a soft breath before letting it out, his hand coming up to his head to tuck a lock of his raven hair behind his ear.

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