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"I loved you once, I loved you twice.

I loved you in my previous lives.

I know your voice, I know your eyes, you haunt me through my dreams at night.

Oh my love, we'll meet again, we always do in the end.

Our two souls destined to be - you and I until eternity."

- "Until Eternity" by Blackbriar


Frank's hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat and his entire face was flushed red. He was sat upright in bed, his heart pounding so harshly that he was surprised it had not burst by now. It was the kind of pounding where he heard it as loud as oceans waves crashing over the shore in his ears, felt how it throbbed inside of him and made his veins vibrate. His arm was strangely sore from where he had been pierced in the dream, which made him wonder if it had all been one long lucid dream. A nightmare, towards the end, twisting something that should have felt so sweet. His eyes were wide open and alert, scanning all over the room.

He was still at his apartment, his bedroom with the cream colored walls and the popcorn ceiling. If he looked up, he would see his Nirvana poster plastered above him to serve as a pleasant burst of musical inspiration every morning. His thick comforter was up to his waist, he was still wearing his painfully un-adultlike Avengers pajamas, and he most definitely not strapped to a chair to be given a lethal injection.

"Holy shit." Frank breathed, running a quick hand through his tangled black hair. His hair was also still the same, the black fringe with the short, now overgrown red sides. His skin was covered in tattoos, he was not an eighteen going on nineteen year old boy, and he was still living in his apartment in New Jersey.

Most specifically, he was not desperately in love with a boy named Gerard Way.

"Just a dream, a fuckin' crazy dream." Frank whispered, his hands curling into the sheets. All of the memories of the dream were crashing into his head, his fingertips ghosting with multiple sensations. Like the way it felt to touch soft skin that was pressed against his body, the hair of a person he loved, his lips tingling with the faded sensation of a tender kiss. Frank touched his lips, his thumb rubbing over his bottom lip to get rid of the feeling. He kept seeing him - snippets of raven black hair, alabaster skin on wide hips, beams of light shining across green and dark gold eyes.

Frank pressed his fingers against his closed eyes and groaned. His head was pounding from the intensity, the overload of emotion, every single insane factor his brain conjured up while he slept. He read about lucid dreaming before, how realistic they felt and seemed, but he never experienced one quite so real before. As he remember, his heart even clenched with a heartbreak he never had the chance to experience before. Heartbreak for someone he never met, who wasn't real, and he never could be real. Perhaps this was just a way of Frank's mind telling him he needed to find himself a partner, to stop getting drunk off his ass every weekend and stop having one night stands with people who were supposed to be his friends.

Of all the times he had sex in his life, which was more than the amount of fingers on one hand, the sex he envisioned in his dream was a kind he never felt. It was passion, love, an air of trust and no haze of alcohol clouding his judgment. Frank sighed shakily, removing his hands from his eyes and looking out the window.

The sun had began to rise, and as he glanced at his alarm clock, he woke an hour before the clock had a chance to. Frank sighed deeply and flopped back down on the bed, his hands covering his face. It was impossible for him to fall back asleep now, every fiber of his being was wide awake and his mind was in overdrive with memories of his dream. It would make a mess of him all day, he couldn't brush it aside when it was hitting him so intensely.

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