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Frank, who was looking at his reflection in the mirror, sighed softly as he buttoned up his white shirt. The material was thin and loose, but it would be covered by the black waistcoat he would be wearing over it. It was all a part of his costume his mother was making him wear to a party he was being forced to attend. If Frank had any choice, he would stay home, perhaps even sneak out to see his love again. But his mother nagged about him attending this party and bought him a costume and mask for it. Frank did not like dressing up in such a fancy manner, but everyone else would be dressed equally as extravagant.

The party was a ball - a masquerade ball. The Ballato family would be hosting it to honor Lindsey Ballato's memory and her recent passing. Frank's parents had been invited and so had he, and since his mother scolded him about how it was rude to decline a perfectly kind invitation, he was going to this dreaded party where his mother was making him dress as The Phantom Of The Opera. His mother would be going as Christine, his father as Raoul, and himself as the Phantom. Although the movie was not one of his favorites, he knew better than to displease his mother, so he went with it.

After slicking his hair back and placing the half mask on the side of his face, everyone was ready to go. Frank was silent on the entire ride to the Ballato household because he was silently dreading this old-fashioned ball. He bet the people there would be the rich and snobby society that made up Battery City, that they expected the children to be on their best behavior and stay quiet. Frank was never a person for parties mainly because of the amount of people and all the voices overlapping one another. It gave him a headache and everything was too much at once. His mother had said Jamia would be there, but what good would that do for him?

Once they reached the household - that looked more mansion than house - Frank was blown away by the inside. The chandelier was grand, the lights were white and yellow shining across the smooth marble patterned floors, and the place was full of vibrant colors and people. It looked just like a picture from back in time when they hosted balls like these, with all the large dresses and the tuxedos. Classical musical played from a small string band over in the corner near the stage and the tinkling of glass could be heard near the wine table. It all screamed sophistication, something Frank lacked.

His parents had found the Nestor's chatting with the Ballato's. Jamia was there dressed in a lavender ball gown, white and pearly gloves going up to her elbows and a dark purple lace mask covering half of her made up face. She toyed with one of her thick elegant curls and looked around, her other hand smoothing out a wrinkle in her silk gown.

"You look nice." Frank said as his greeting to her.

She turned her head, saw him, and smiled. Frank felt a twist in his gut when he realized that her eyes looked . . . well, the right word for it would be 'dead'. Her dark irises no longer shined when she smiled and the expression did not suit her all too serious eyes. Frank had never seen her in such a state and he wondered how close of a friend Lindsey Ballato was to her. This had all started because of her, after her death. Something inside Jamia died along with that girl.

"You look handsome yourself, Frank. The Phantom Of The Opera, I'm assuming?" Jamia tried to play off her internal conflict to make a bit of small talk.

Frank nodded and sighed. "As much as I didn't want to be here, my mother practically forced me into this and brought me here."

"Me too." Jamia said softly and pursed her glossed lips. "I'm not well enough yet to be at things like this."

"I'm sorry, I really am, Jam." Frank felt his old affection for his once best friend surface and he placed a gentle hand on her arm. He may not have loved Jamia the way he should have, but he did love her in a sense that be hated seeing her suffer. Jamia did not deserve to go through any of their either and resenting her for being his match was no use since that also was not her fault.

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