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For one long moment, both Frank and Gerard stood there in the kitchen and stared at each other with expressions of pure shock plastered onto their red faces. The end with the most surprise from hearing Jamia outside the door was Frank, who suddenly went very cold inside just thinking of all the possibilities there were, reasons why she would be here. Did she bring the entire government police with her, did she bring his mother and Gerard's? Mainly, he believed she came to take them away from each other because she must have felt betrayed once the news slipped out, and it was all coming much sooner than Frank needed it to be. Frank's breath shuddered once he saw the terror slowly filling Gerard's eyes.

"Gerard!" Frank hissed in a whisper and quickly closed the distance between them, taking Gerard's cold hands in his. "We have to hide, run, something!"

"We can't run!" Gerard's eyes watered rapidly and his mouth twisted into a grimace. "We'll get lost in the woods. If we don't die here we'll die out there."

"Then we need to find a hiding spot somewhere here or else-" Frank was suddenly cut off, but it was not by Gerard, it was by the person standing outside of the front door.

"Look, I know you must think I'm here to separate you, but I'm not." There was a pleading note to Jamia's voice that seemed too convincing, causing Frank's heart to drop. "I'm here to protect you. I have answers, I know why you love each other. Frank . . . I know why we never fell in love."

Frank nearly fell to his knees right there. The knife entered his gut, twisting and sending shock through his entire body. His lips parted in shock and he heard Gerard take in a sharp breath of air. He felt the shock flood all the way into his very fingertips, hand tightening around Gerard's.

"I brought someone with me." Jamia continued softly when there was no answer from either one of them.

"Gerard?" Spoke another soft spoken voice - it was male, young, and most definitely not anyone Frank had ever met before.

But this voice rose a reaction out of Gerard. The latter's eyes widened, eyes snapping to focus on the door masking the owner of the voice. Frank's eyebrows scrunched together in pure confusion, too much surprise running through him that he could barely take in everything that was happening. All he thought of was the possibility of finally having answers, of receiving the key to the knowledge Frank was always locked away from. Three thousand theories later and there was an opportunity standing right before him and his love, ready to be grasped and taken.

"That's my brother." Gerard whispered. He tugged on Frank's arm and looked at him with wide, urgent eyes, blinking wildly. "Frank, please, we have to answer the door."

Frank wanted to say yes, he wanted to fling the door open and welcome all of the well deserved answers he never got, let them both into their home and finally get the piece of relief to calm his raging mind. For years, Frank suffered through endless periods of depression wondering what was wrong with him, why everyone could be happy with their perfectly picked lives except for him. But another half of him remained extremely weary - why would Jamia want to help him when he had lied to her for years? Why would she break rules by coming to him and Gerard with answers they needed at a time where everyone was out to get them?

"Gerard . . . it could be a set up." Frank whispered. "I want to believe it isn't, but we need to be real about this."

"Love, my brother is here." Gerard squeezed Frank's hand and came closer, reaching out and cupping Frank's cheek with his smooth and warm palm, the nervous and terrified film over his hazel eyes dissolving into one of comfort that Frank wished he could feel at the moment. "My brother would not hurt us. Jamia's here to help. Don't you want to know why everything went wrong?"

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