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Frank stared out the window of the backseat in his family's car, listening to his music through his earbuds at the loudest it could go. He blocked out the sounds of his parent's voices that were chattering to each other in the front, leaving Frank to his own world full of music and his thoughts. His eyes stayed glued to the window, watching the scenery outside flash by as his dad drove. The neighborhood would have been beautiful to anyone who had not seen it before - the green trees, large houses with grass and gardens and perfect picket fences. His own home was also considered a dream house to a person who was of lesser fortune. But Frank was tired of seeing the same thing all his life. Frank was trapped in Battery City, he did not even know what the world looked like outside of the city except for the pictures he had seen in his World History class he took in high school. Now having graduated from the school, all he had left was the local library to pick out books about places like the United States, continents of the world excluding where he was.

But the only thing he knew he could not leave behind was, as he corrected his thoughts, not a thing but more appropriately a person. Gerard Way to be exact. Frank now had Gerard as his and only his in some complicated way, all involving the dreaded matching system. It would forever prevent them from being together completely, but they had promised each other that they would find their way back to each other no matter what. After the passing of Lindsey Ballato, Gerard had no one he was tied to anymore, but Frank still had to string Jamia along to keep up his act. Frank would never wish badly on Jamia, but he wished she would vanish from his life one day. Not the way Lindsey had passed, but somehow the system realized they would never love each other and pair her with someone else. But this would be impossible because one person not being matched correctly could cause a chain reaction possibly, matching all of the wrong people together. Clearly, the system still rolled smoothly and crushed all of Frank's secret hopes.

Frank looked at the bright side and said that at least he found Gerard and they had each other, in love and keeping their bond from falling apart with team effort. It was more than Frank had expected to get considering that he thought once Gerard was not real and the hole in his heart felt filled up after years of it aching to be healed. Frank was grateful for Gerard ever since two days ago that they had kissed in the graveyard. Strangely, Frank had not dreamt about him for the past two nights, instead he dreamt about music boxes and other blurs of color he could not remember. He missed Gerard and felt like the absence of their dreams was his soul telling him that there was no use in dreaming of the boy anymore when he could see him in the flesh instead.

When Frank shook out of his thoughts when he felt the car turn onto his street, he unlocked his phone to turn off his music. Unplugging his earbuds and shoving them into his pocket, he looked up again and saw his house - but that was what made Frank gasp.

His house was the same two story mass it had always been, nothing had crumbled or been set on fire much to his luck. Whoever had done what he saw on the house could have poured gasoline on it and set it alight, let the flames destroy everything. But instead of a wild fire, there was graffiti drawn on the house, large and black letters shaping into words across the garage and front door.



In the front seat, Frank's mother went pale as a sheet while his father was outraged. And Frank, he was alarmed and very confused as he read the words. He did not know who the words were aimed or it if the person had even gotten the right house, but he felt uneasy and maybe even a little afraid if it was meant for his family. It looked like a warning and Frank felt like there was more to this than they let on. It sent chills down his spine to think of anyone holding a big enough grudge against his family to take action on it - what else were they capable of?

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