Twenty One

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I can't believe this fic is already going to end? I mean, I've been writing it for a year, it feels weird to prepare myself to say goodbye to it. I hope you're ready for this chapter. BEWARE OF HOMOPHOBIA AND HOMOSEXUALITY CONVERSION METHODS. No blood or anything, it's just messed up.


"I want you to envision a scenario for me, Frank." said a nurse working at the institute, her strawberry blonde curls pulled back away from her face. As lovely as she may have been, nothing could take away from the horrible fact that she worked at a conversion institute, fighting for a change that was physically impossible.

Frank was strapped into a chair inside his room, hooked up to an electroshock machine sitting menacingly beside him. The thin wires were all connected to tiny little sensor circles sticking to his skin like magnets, and although the touch of the metal was cold, it could bring the most vicious fire if he said or did anything wrong. The room had been darkened a considerable amount and he felt like he was underneath a spotlight, everything in the shadows looked eerie and his heart was erratically beating with pure fear despite his blank expression. He could see from the corner of his eye that the room Gerard was staying in was concealed from him. Metal shutters had snapped over the glass separating them, and though this made Frank panic at first sight, he knew it would be better if Gerard could not be able to see whatever they would be doing to him here. The vent was also blocked so no sound would escape. He swallowed thickly, slowly looking up at the woman standing by the padded chair.

"What kind of scenario?" He asked as flatly as he could.

The lady smiled softly, drumming her fingertips over the metal strap binding Frank's wrist to the chair. "Well, perhaps we can skip the scenario since it won't do much, I would like to explain what type of treatment we'll be giving you today."

Frank remained quiet. She continued.

"This is what we call the electric chair, but the voltage is not high enough to kill you as it would in prison. I'm not saying it won't be painful, it will, and that is the point of this entire thing. Today, I will be showing you seven images of specific things that may stir your brain and one clip of homosexual erotica extracted from the United States. Then, I want you to envision a few things for me." She explained in a sweet tone of voice, clicking a button to turn on the projected above their heads. The hologram appeared on the wall in front of them, just the blue screen for now, but Frank feared for the worst.

"If you feel any sort of pleasant emotion or arousal in your body, the sensors will capture it and you will be shocked." She explained, sending a cold spike of dread down Frank's spine. He had never been electrocuted even in the mildest form before, the thought of hot electricity penetrating his pores had him breathing shakily.

"Please don't." He whispered, a flutter of air moving past his lips. The nurse turned her head and looked at him pitifully, her head slowly moving back and forth.

"Oh, honey. This wouldn't be happening if you hadn't broken the rules, I just want to help you become normal is all."

Dead silence fell over the room like a suffocating blanket during the summer. Frank stared daggers into the confines around his wrists, then the one large leather strap wrapped around his midsection to keep him from wriggling free. The nurse clicked the remote once more and the room was bathed in color.

"Look up, Frank."

Frank refused to do so. Everything in his body was resisting because he knew the consequences if he felt even an ounce of anything other than negativity. His hands slowly curled into fists, jaw clenching in defiance.

"We need you to cooperate, Mr. Iero." The nurse said sternly, standing in front of Frank. Only then did he look up, locking eyes with her instead of looking past her to see the image being projected. He set his jaw, daring her with his eyes to do her worst.

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