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Frank felt every bit of blood in his body run cold the moment the wooden door to the library swung open. The way his heart dropped was similar to the sensation of falling - harshly landing in his stomach and causing the most awful chill to rush over his entire body. Only once did he feel this horrible sensation and that was the first time he had ridden a roller coaster when he was nine years old. To this day, he was deathly afraid of roller coasters, but he would hitch a ride on one any day if it meant that this dreaded event would be taken away and erased from history.

He felt Gerard cling to him with fear as they both sat up, staring with wide fearful and shocked eyes at the two people standing in the doorway. Their faces that had once been smiling were now staring at Gerard and Frank with equally large eyes, their mouths falling open in pure shock at the sight before them. Frank was still partially on top of Gerard, his shirt only half way buttoned. Gerard's was also half open, showing off the small love bites on his chest. Their hair was a mess, lips swollen from heated kisses and skin glistening with the afterglow of their love making. To anyone, it was obvious what they had done, and from the way they automatically clung to each other when they were caught, it was clear the two of them simply were not here for just sex.

There in the doorway was Lindsey Ballato's mother and of course, Frank's own mother. Lindsey's mother stared with horror filled eyes at Gerard while Linda stumbled backwards, her hand over her heart in pure shock.

"F-Frank? What on earth is going on here?" Linda choked out and Frank felt just a small sliver of guilt run across his spine. He shook it away because, yes, falling in love with a boy and completely lying to your mother about not loving your match was sinful at this point in time, but no matter what he did, he could never bring himself to regret being with Gerard. Not one second did he wish he could take back, not one dream did he want to erase from his brain.

"Gerard. In my own house after my daughter - no, your match's death, you dare pull something so disrespectful? With a boy?" Lindsey's mother's face was flushing red from anger, giving Gerard a glare that caused the latter to shrink back, his eyes immediately filling with tears.

"You are a sinner. A disgrace, mourning over your match is one thing but sleeping with a boy is never the answer." She stepped forward while Linda stood at the doorway, frozen and unscathed by any of the painful words her friend had spewed out.

Frank, on the other hand, was angry. His blood boiled even more when he heard Gerard whimper softly, a warm tear softly splattering into his arm which Gerard clung to. His stomach flipped from such sudden resentment, from the anger aimed at this woman who made his love cry and curl into himself.

"Don't speak about him that way, you are no better for judging someone that way." Frank returned the foul woman's glare and cradled Gerard against him, petting his hair in a comforting gesture to calm the trembling boy. He looked down at him and his expression softened when he gazed into those wide and fearful hazel eyes, his skin paler than it usually was. All he wanted to do was plant reassuring kisses all over his face, hold him close, but he refrained.

"Frank. Let go of the boy. Now." Linda finally spoke up in a low voice that trembled. Usually her voice was cheerful, pleasant to listen to. Now, it sounded as if it had been dragged through beds of nails, barely making it out alive and only mustering enough strength to stutter out words that made Frank's blood chill in his veins.

With eyes now filling with tears and crumbling strength, Frank took in a shaky breath and looked away from Gerard to bring his attention to the two women standing in front of him. Mrs. Ballato was red with fury, fists curled and her posture not going with her elegant dark curls and gown. His mother, on the other hand, looked faint. Like she had seen a ghost, not even her lips held any color. Her eyes were frozen and cold as she stared at Frank, mouth slowly screwing into a tight line when Frank did not immediately obey her.

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