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2042, Frank: 13 years old

Frank watched as Jamia climbed up the tree in her backyard with better agility and gracefulness than Frank could ever muster. He squinted from the sunlight shining down on his face as he titled his head back to see Jamia perch herself on a high tree brach whilst swinging her thin jean clad legs back and forth. She smiled down at Franks and gestured for him to join her on the branch.

Frank smiled up to where Jamia was sitting - getting a cut on his arm on the way up there - and plopped down on the thick bark. He didn't feel the sting on his arm so much since it was just a scratch and he had a high pain tolerance. Frank was always hurting himself, it was normal for him to get bumps and bruises on his body throughout the day. Especially since Jamia encouraged him to go on bike rides with her, sometimes they would just run so they wouldn't be bored. At least they were bored together as Jamia liked to put it.

The sun was shining bright in Battery City that day and the sky was void of clouds except for a wisp of the white puff in the north. The birds in the tree flew away once Frank and Jamia disturbed their peace, and for a moment Frank felt bad, but then he reminded himself that they were just a flock of fucking birds and there were thousands of trees in Battery City, maybe even more than that. Frank found a ladybug crawling on the branch he sat on, but when he reached for it, it spread its red and black wings and flew away. Frank pouted for a moment but soon forgot about it when Jamia started to speak.

"Do you like Battery City, Frank?" She asked in her soft feminine voice as she tucked a lock of her dark hair behind her ear.

"Um, yeah, I guess." Frank shrugged. "It's the only place I've ever known."

Jamia nodded and pursed her pale lips together. Her dark eyebrows scrunched in thought for a moment. "Me too. My mother was telling me the other day about America, and it does sound beautiful, but they work differently than the City does."

"It is a different part of the world." Frank chuckled awkwardly and raked his hand through his growing chocolate brown hair.

Jamia smiled and shook her head. "I can't argue with you on that one." She jabbed his arm playfully with her elbow. He jabbed her right back, and he did so very gently since he knew he had a sharp elbow.

Ever since Frank found out that Jamia was his match, he couldn't help but feel relieved that she was the one he was 'destined to be with'. That entire phrase was much too cheesy for Frank to say out loud without cringing. But that's how it worked, that was the truth. He did like Jamia - he liked her company, her energy, her attitude, and she was definitely not bad to look at. She was pretty, but not as feminine as the other girls. She could wear a pair of baggy jeans and a holey T-shirt without shame, even if her closet was stocked with gorgeous clothing because all people in Battery City were rich as hell - Frank had seen her closet once and his jaw dropped when he saw the large rainbow assortment.

Although, Frank didn't feel romantically attracted to her. He settled that it was because he was still too young to feel love and romance yet, or maybe because these things took a long time. He just wondered when it would happen since Jamia was his soulmate. Someone had looked into his future and seen Jamia in it, and the vision must have been a happy one because Frank wouldn't mind having Jamia around for a very long time.

"So, erm, Frank, I wanted to ask you something." Jamia stepped in hesitantly whilst chewing on her not thin but not plump bottom lip. She looked straight at Frank with her incredibly dark eyes and relaxed when his reaction was not a bad one. After knowing each other for three years, Frank thought she would have been used to him never overreacting over many things.

"What's up?" Frank cocked his eyebrow and crossed his ankles.

"Well, as you know, we're matches, soulmates, ever since the moment we were born. And uh, I don't want to seem desperate when I ask this, but do you have . . . feelings for me just yet?" Jamia blushed deep red and sighed. "I'll tell you my answer is you tell me yours."

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