Chapter 9: Pain Maze

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"WELCOME! TO THE MAZE OF PAIN!" a voice boomed. "This is how the game works!" "You have 30 seconds to memorize the maze. You have to make it out! One false move and its a pain! " the voice boomed. A bright white light flicked on and I saw the maze once more. Oh Gosh. I would be dead by the time I got out. There must have been 70 million buttons and triggers and levers and strings. I cried. "30, 29, 28...." I shut the voice out of my mind and tried my best to memorize the maze. I already knew there was a button next to my foot. One down 70 million more! Gosh it was so hot. Focus Sandy! There was a wire on above my forehead, a button in the on the left wall followed by 3 more wires in towards the exit. Oh God! I let the tears come down my face. "2, 1!" "LIGHTS OUT!" "BEGIN!" the voice boomed. Wait a second I knew that voice. TYLER! I opened my mouth to scream but then I remembered what Daniel had told me. Don't fight them. Just go with it. I took a step forward and I felt a buzz underneath my left foot. "FALSE MOVE!" the voice boomed. I felt a thousand little needles strike my upper thigh. It hurt so bad. I didn't show any pain, I wouldn't give them that satasfaction.  Think think. I squatted and felt around. A string. I reached above it only to find two more strings next to it. I put one foot over them. I knew the exit was on my left. I froze like a deer in the headlights. A thought hit me. If I didn't move then I didn't get hurt. "You'll have to move eventually." Tyler said. I didn't move. "MOVE!" he screamed. I didn't. "Forget this." Reggie said. The lights flicked on and a door that I missed swung open. Daniel stepped out, followed by Reggie, and Tyler.  "James!" called Tyler, "GET THE TANNER READY!" "OKAY!" called somebody who I assumed was James. "Ready for the Tanner?" grinned Reggie. "Barbie's have to look their best." he laughed. Tanner?

_____________________________________________________________________________Hey guys sorry this was short, but its alot easier and faster to do short good ones then long boring ones. I am sorry if you don't agree but thats just how it is. Don't be a hater! :D - Bella

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