Chapter 21: Sleepy Much?

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"Where am I going?" I asked as Reggie drove me away from his hellhole of a barbie bootcamp. "Shut up." he said sipping his coffee. Oh my God! I remembered. Reggie and Daniel had put all of this stuff in my little bag and packed it in the car of his one way see through ford pickup truck. We had left early and everybody was half asleep. I had a plan. I was gonna drug Reggie. When or how I had no clue but I did know that I was going to do it before I was sold. Reggie burped. Such a gentleman I thought rolling my eyes. "I want coffee." I said. "Please." I said. "No." he said. He had put on the child proof locks and nobody was on the highway this early. "Come on. Nobody know's where I am, who kidnapped me or who the hell you are." I said desperate. "Fine. If it will get you to stop bitching, plus it might be your last one." he said grinning. He pulled over at the nearest Starbucks. I shuddered. Starbucks. That's where it all began. A little voice in my mind told me "Yes. Its where you'll end it also." "What do you want?" he said pulling out a 20$ bill. "A  caramel macchiato with extra syrup." I said. Ok. This was it. I just wanted him to go. I wanted to this before he came back or before I chickened out. He grunted. He grabbed the keys and locked the doors. "Don't try anything funny. You'll be sorry." he said sternly. I nodded. He went inside the Starbucks. A man was in front of him. "DON'T JUST GAWK SANDY!" my brain told me. Right. I grabbed the bag of pills and stuff Daniel had bought me. 7 sleeping pills that dissolved in your drink. Perfect. I glanced back. He was ordering. It was now or never. I managed to dump 4 pills and out he came just as I was about to open the fifth pill and stuffed in my pocket.  He walked toward the van as I stirred the pills in. My palm was sweaty. Act Natural. I thought. "Here Bitch." he said spilling the hot steaming coffee in my lap. I screamed. It was boiling! "Whoops." he said not sorry at all. Bastard. I drunk my coffee hand shaking the mug nervously. About a half mile down the road I noticed Reggie close his eyes only to have them flutter open fast. Damn! Almost. This occured about 6 more times then he put it on a punk rock station and blasted it in the car making the car doors rattle. He yawned then passed out. We were on a highway and a car was right behind me. I rolled down my window and waved my hand to show that we were out of gas. Which we weren't but I wanted to get the fuck home. Reggie snoring like a frieght train didn't wake up. I turned off the radio. I had no clue what to do. I shoved his fat but over in my seat and continued driving. Still asleep. Good. I turned the radio to my favorite radio station only to hear Katy Perry sing TGIF. I pulled over at the nearest gas station. The little snackshop was closed. Whew. I lugged Reggie out of the car and to the bench. Still asleep? Yep. I really thought he would have woken up. I ran back to the car. I pushed the lock button. I then started to drive. I stuck my middle finger out and yelled "I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR FAT ASS IN JAIL!" I laughed. He was still asleep? Wow. I had a 1/2 tank of gas. I filled it up and filled a jug with more. NO WAY WAS I STOPPING ANYWHERE! I got back in and speed the hell out of there. Imagine Dragons sang radioactive. Wait what? I turned down the volume of the radio. They were playing Bruno Mars. On the floor of the car I found a phone. Daniel. Shit. What should I do? I decided not to answer it. I screamed fuck you and hung up. Then I dialed 911. "Paisley City Police what's your emergency?" a woman asked. "HELP I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED!" I screamed. "MY NAME IS SANDY LAUREN!" I said. "Okay Sandy, where are you?" she asked. "I'm in a car!" I said frantic. "Is the kidnapper anywhere near you?" she whispered. "If you can't respond I understand." she said. "Um I don't know!" I said. "You mean you can't see him?" she said. I heard a click click of the keys on the keyboard. "No I mean I drugged him pushed him out of the car and have been driving for 3 hours!" I said. "Okay Sandy." "Can you see a sign anywhere?" she asked. "Yes." I said. "Dwight Caroline Airport 1 and 1/2 miles ahead." I said. "Good. Okay Is there any land marks around?" she questioned. "Not at the moment, its just tree's and highways." "But about 1/2 a mile back I saw a KFC." I said. "Okay we have 2 police squad cars on the way." "Just pull over at the airport." she told me. I cried. "Oh my God. Thanks so much. I didn't think I was gonna see my family again." I said choking on a lump of spit caught in my throught. "Its okay." she said. "We are gonna have you home soon enough. 

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