Chapter 6: Blond Spitter

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This chapter is dedicated to hanyougirl98. Thanks so so much for reading my book and for commenting! Please please recommend this book to your followers, friends, mom, dad, dog, babysitter, hair cutter, neighbor, doctor or whoever! Also I will make these chapters longer. Thanks for reading... Enjoy! -Bella! 


 Tyler looked about 37. "Hey doll face..." whispered Tyler. Tyler came forward and started rubbing his filthy old hand over my breasts. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed. He growled trying to be sexy and sat on my lap shoving his tongue in my mouth. I felt so violated, i felt disgusting. I did the only thing I could do. I hocked a spitball  and spit in his face. Full of anger he screamed "DANIEL!" Oh sure he couldn't do a thing about it all he did was call my "babysitter/trainer". "What?" Daniel said coming in, rolling his eyes. "This bitch just spit in my eye!" said Tyler. "And?" he said not really caring. I  giggled. It was so funny how angry Tyler was, yet Daniel showed no sign of acknowledging or even caring. "I don't need to tell Reggie about this do I?" Tyler said showing a smug little grin." "Nope." Daniel said, his face washed of all color.  " I will punish her later." said Daniel. "Good." said Tyler, smug. "I will be there to make sure you do." said Tyler. Who the hell was Reggie? Tyler then turned towards me. "Now where were we?" he said. Ugh. 10 minutes later....... "Now I will make you look fa boo." he said with a smile. "I don't want to have to drug you out, but I will if I have to. Okay?" he asked. " I nodded blinking back tears. I was not going to give this bastard the joy of seeing me cry. "Aww sweetie its okay, Ty Ty's gonna take care of you..." he said giving me a sarcastic pout. "Hurry up Tyler! You have 3 girls still waiting!" yelled a man next door over. "Getting Started!" Tyler yelled. He spun my chair around so I could see what he was doing. He turned on a water spout. He then rolled me over to the sink/tub thing and I felt icy numb water. "Ahh!" I yelled. "Aww Baby..." said Tyler.  Bastard. He then began to scrub shampoo in my scalp. I still was mad. At least I was clean I thought. Then he rinsed it out with the icy water. I shuttered. It was so damn cold! He then repeated this action twice then scrubbed leave in conditioner in my hair. He then grabbed a comb and brush and got every single knot and tangle out of my hair. He then took a shiny purple hairdryer and burnt my scalp. Violently, he waved the thing all over my head until my brunette hair was completely dry. He gave showed me a hand-held mirror. I was mortified, yet impressed at what I saw. My face covered in bruises with mascara all over my face making me look like a raccoon. My hair was so light and wavy. "Wooowww..." I said in awe. "We arn't done yet doll face..." he said. He then grabbed a shaver. Wait what a shaver?! "DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!" I screamed. "Does somebody need a nap?" he said baby talking me. "NO!" I screamed. "SHUT UP THEN!" he screamed spitting in my face. Eww. I couldn't wipe it off. He turned on the shaver and began going up and down my head. All my hair fell off. Every freaking lock. "DANIEL!" I screamed. "DANIELLLLLL!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. At this point I was bawling. Daniel burst in the door and looked around. Anger washed over his face. Not at me I hoped. "WHAT THE HELL TYLER!" he yelled. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DYE HER HAIR! NOT SHAVE IT OFF!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. Furious Tyler screamed back, "I CHANGED MY MIND NOW GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I CALL REGGIE!" Daniel ran out slamming the door behind him. "Okay bitch since you won't behave I am gonna drug ya." Tyler growled. "Nooo! I'm SORRY! I'll behave I promise! I PROMISE! I PROMISE!" I yelled hoping to convince Tyler not to drug me. The last thing I wanted to do is be raped. With an evil grin he grabbed a mask and shoved in on my face. I held my breath until I couldn't then... I took a deep breath and everything began to become all swirly and dizzy....

When I woke Tyler was standing above me kissing my cheek. "Done." he said. "Ready to see?" he said smugly. Click click. The handcuffs went back into the chair and I was spun to a big mirror. My eyebrows were blond, leg hair blond, and even my eyelashes were blond. My hair looked odd. I touched my head and it hurt. "Careful Sweetheart." I super glued that to your head so you couldn't dye it back." he said with a laugh. "She's done!" he yelled....

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