Chapter two: You need help

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After I showered and brushed, I went downstairs to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. Okay I feel like I need to tell you more about my family. So my parents are divorced and no it doesn't bother me cause they never did love each other in that way. My dad told me when they were in middle school, they were the best of friends but once they reached senior year everyone was bothering them to date. Including their parents, so they said ' why not ' and began to date. Soon things got serious in college and my gran was pressuring my dad to get married. Again they said why not and tied the knot. Hey that
rhymed ! Anyways they had my older sister Sylicia who's currently in college. Then they had my brother Hunter. About the time my mom was pregnant for me, she and my dad decided to divorce. It was really hard on my siblings especially Hunter because he's a drama queen. But it was real a low blow for my grandparents because they thought my parents were going to end up being that perfect couple. Well sorry bout that nan nan, gran and grandpa. Guess your match made in heaven expired. Anyways they still remained the best of friends but my dad had to move out. Bummer. He came over a lot though and it seemed as if he was still living with us well kinda. " Jacine !!! " my dad yelled. " what ?" I hollered back " your mom is waiting for eggs and bacon with orange juice now because your my daughter and you love me so much, you'll bring these to her " he thrusts the tray towards me " and if you love me very much, you won't mention this entire conversation. Right ? " he winks at me and I roll my eyes " lazy arse " I mutter and head towards her room.
I push the door open with my elbow and prop the tray on my sleeping mother's lap. She wakes up to the intoxicating smell of my father's amazing bacons and immediately brings one to her mouth " took your dad long enough. I was practically starving " she said in between mouth fulls. I rolled my eyes and said " good morning to you too ". She grunted in response. " I'm going over to Sheila's house " I said then she replied " sure ". I walked down the street since Sheila's house was only a couple blocks away. Once I reach there I notice her, her younger twin sisters Miriam and Johanna and the youngest sister Abby. They were all picking up trash from the party and dancing to some music from the background. Abby notices me first and waves at me. " Hey you guys, its Jacine " she says to her sisters. They all wave at me except for Sheila. I guess she's still mad that I refused to go out with Roman. In my defense, I didn't want to date a perv. Not that he's a perv but I'm guessing he is. The twins are my sources for information but part from that they're really funny and they argue a lot. They're both 14. Miriam is the artistic one and she loves music. She's a great dancer too. Johanna is the social network lover. She's constantly typing away at her phone and the very idea of no WiFi scares her. Both of them are always trying to do out do each other but its hilarious watching them fail. Abby is my favorite to talk to unlike all her other sisters, she's not loud like them. Also she has an amazing voice. She's president of her school and she's only 11! I walk over to her and ruffle her hair. " what's up kiddo ? Got any news for me ? "
" yeah " she says " Johanna and Miriam are fighting over some boy called Twist " . I wrinkle my nose at this. "What sorta name is that ?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders and motions with her hands that they're crazy. I laugh at this and meet Sheila inside the kitchen. "Hey cuz, how are you ?" I say cheekily "did you enjoy your party last night ?". She turns and glares at me muttering some obscenities too. "If you have something against Roman, you might as well say it cause he's a really hot, nice and funny guy for you" she says then continues her scolding "besides if you keep turning down all these boys, you'll grow old and stay alone forever". I snort " oooh I'm soo scared I'll pee my pants". She growls in anger. "You're so infuriating. I can't believe we're related". I laugh "me neither wolverine". She starts walking out the kitchen when I suddenly remember the reason why I came in the first place. "Sheila wait I need to ask you something". She peers at me curiously " what?".
"So at your party I met this guy..."
" mmmh"
"We talked and really hit it off but he kindasortaactuallyranoffanditriedtofindhimbuticouldn't" I grin cheekily.
"Huh? What were you saying? I didn't catch that" she says. I sigh " I met a guy who kissed me then ran off, don't laugh or I'll castrate you. So I tried looking for him and I was unlucky. So actually what I'm asking you for is the list of people who came". She nods and thinks to herself the finally says "are you sure he wants you to find him ? I mean maybe he was just being a player and went to go kiss some other girl, completely forgetting about you and your entire existence". I grit my teeth in annoyance. "Of course I'm sure he wants me to find him! Do you honestly think I have the time and energy to play hide and seek with some boy I just met? Of course not Sheila what do you take me for ? A psycho" I yell half mad. I mean seriously she should have faith in me. "Alright alright you can calm down. Now what's his name ?" she asks nonchalantly. I grinned and said "Java" triumphantly. She looks at me all weird "Jacine" she says "there was no Java at my party". My face falls at this revelation " what do you mean there was no Java at your party?" I practically scream "I saw him with my two eyes and I should cause I only have two eyes". " calm down Jacine, I know what I mean. Even though I'm not with the list I'm still pretty sure there was no Java at my party. Never had been never was "she said in a matter-of-fact tone. " I even have proof ", I dig deep in my pockets trying to find the bracelet he had left behind at the party. "Hold on. Its should be here" I yell in exasperation. Sheila shakes her head at me "dear cousin you seriously need help".

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