Chapter three: Whore rabbit

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My head is still spinning from what Sheila told me.
There was no Java at the party.

Sheila looks at me weirdly. "Are you alright Jacine?", she says. I only nod in return.
" maybe it was someone else you-" I cut her off " listen Sheila, you might not believe me and you might think all you want that I need help, but I think I know a human being when I see one. And Java was definitely a human being".

She stares at me while I glare at her.
Staring. Glaring. Staring. Glaring. It goes on forever, then finally I mutter a bye and exit the kitchen. On my way out I earn startled glances from Abby and the twins. Probably because I have the facial expression of someone who just went through hell and back. I brush off their stares and wave goodbye to Abby then proceed by walking back to my house.

Once I reach the house, I notice Bonnie's car by our driveway and a smirk comes upon my face as I think off a prank.

Ever since kindergarten, Bonnie and I always made it clear that we hated each other through small acts of evil. I would tear all the pages from her coloring books and she would always find ways to destroy my art projects. Every teacher came to know about our hatred and made sure we were never together in anything. One time though in 3rd grade, she had a ballet recital. So I switched her costume with one that was two sizes small. She complained to her instructor but Madame Dubois told her not to worry. Nevertheless while she bent for a plié, her costume tore at the butt area and everyone so her rosy ass. She ran off the stage plotting her revenge. Then she got me back by putting her assignments in my bag, and framing me for stealing. I was suspended for a week. As we grew older, we became more ruthless in our pranks. We were in middle school by then. My thirteen year old self had a crush on a guy named Dean. Bonnie stole my diary and read it to the entire school. I cried and didn't come to school for three days while she got suspension. Then when she came back, I chopped all her blonde hair to bits. Of course I was suspended. We became enemies filled with so much hate that we'd tried to outdo each other in everything.

I crept upstairs to my brother's room and sure enough I heard her moaning his name. "Hunter! Hunter!". I felt like throwing up. But I barged in anyways "Hunter! Hunter! " I shouted "the neighborhood kids are throwing eggs on your car again". He stood up angrily and ran out. Probably going to shout at the air. Taking my chance I began to snap Bonnie cause she looked like shit with her crazy hair sticking up, her skinny jeans unzipped but not pulled down and her face all flushed and flustered. Once she got over the shock, she began to scream and chase me around but I got to my room, slammed the door in her face and cackled like a wild banshee.

" Jacine open this door right now!", she yelled. By now I was rolling on the the floor laughing my ass off. "No can do Bonnie." I say then continue laughing.

I sit up and begin to enlarge and print the picture into many copies. Smiling to myself, I dump the copies in my schoolbag and put a stapler in there too. Hunter finally realizes that there were actually no children throwing eggs at his car. He begins to bang on my door and yell all sorts off inappropriate words like "deranged goat", " fucking duck" and I think I also heard a "whore rabbit" escape from his lips. Bit it doesn't faze me one bit. It actually makes me wanna cry that my own brother can't even throw good insults. I shake my head at this.

Soon he gets tired of throwing lame insults at me and drives Bonnie home. Which gives me a lot of time to ponder over what Sheila said.

I still honestly can't believe he's a figment of my imagination. It just doesn't make sense. Suddenly I see the bracelet on the floor and pick it up. After staring at it for a while, I sigh and decide to go over to my best friend Collins's house.

Now lemme tell you something. You will never meet someone as Amazeballs as Collins Every. Even though he's a complete whack job and seriously needs help, he's my whack job and that's what I love about him. He can be selfish, rude, conceited, vain heck many things but he's a sweetheart when he needs to be. Unfortunately for him he's hot with his brown hair and big chocolate eyes. Girls die over him and it repulses him cause the only person he loves is some girl called Maya who's dating our football team's linebacker. Apart from that, he has an unhealthy craving for any colored cereal.

Once I reach his house, I knock like crazy cause with Collins and his 4 brother's, they hardly hear who's at the door. Once I'm about to knock again, Cameron the fourth boy opens it. "Well, well, well" he smirks. "If it isn't my angelic Jacine coming back for round two of the Cam man".
"Puh-leeze like I would even come for round one. Second of all no one calls you Cam man", I say.

He rolls his eyes at me and I stick out my tongue like a child. Laughing he says "you'll never grow up Jacine will you". I smile giddily "nope". He shakes his head at me and motions with his hands upstairs. I race up the stairs then remember how Collins hates it whenever I raid his fridge. So i sneakily head towards the kitchen and grab as many thing s as I can from the fridge. I manage to juggle them all in my arms and race upstairs.

I find Collins on his bed snoring like his life depended on it. Luckily for him, I connect my phone to the speakers and blast " How You Like Me Now " by The Heavy. He wakes up in a fit and screams like a little girl. I just couldn't help myself by not laughing. I was rolling on the floor in tears not caring one bit. After he realized it was me, he stopped screaming and began whacking me with his pillow while scolding me.

"Why" whack "the f**k" whack "did you" whack "play" whack "your damn music" whack "so friggin loud ?" Whack. He stops hitting me so he can hear my response. "Because my young and dare I say stupid grasshopper" I say "I wouldn't have gotten to see your expression right now" holding back snickers. He nods. Not in a way that says im-nodding-cause-i-understand-what-you-mean kinda nod, it's more of a im-nodding-cause-you're-crazy kinda nod.

I sit up and flop down on his bed, making myself super comfy. "Hey you big fat turtle get of my bed" he yells. I stare at him in disappointment. "Big fat turtle ?", I say "seriously Collins you're just as bad as Hunter. And that's saying something". He touches his chest like I offended him. " how could you even say that Jacine, you know no one is as bad Hunter. It's mentally impossible ". I roll my eyes at him and bend to pick up one of the snacks I stole from his fridge. His eyes widen when I pop a skittles into my mouth. He smacks the pack away from my hand and it spills all over his carpeted floor. He cringes at the mess and begins to pick it up. His head snaps up at my laughter.
" you" he says
"me" I respond in a smirk

"Aaargh Jacine you're friggin annoying" Collins says in desperation. "That's why you love me" I say in a sing-song voice. He only snorts and continues picking up the skittles. I lie on my back and stare at the ceiling. He flops down next to me and plays with my hair. "Penny for your thoughts little one" I snort at this "its dollar for my thoughts cause they're to complex to cost a penny". He chuckles and shakes his head "fine dollar for your thoughts little one" he repeats. "Well I might as well tell you. Seeing as your my best friend and all".

Once I'm done telling him, he has a strange look on his face like he can't fathom what I said. " hey I'm happy for you" he finally says. "I mean you've gotta to stop shooting down all these guys sooner or later". I look at him really hard and gasp at my revelation. " you don't believe me do you?", I say finally. He shakes his head "of course I do! Heck you're my best friend. I know you wouldn't lie about something like this. Have faith in your best friend Jacine". I nod and fall back into his arms and he continues to play with my hair.

" Collins"
"Do you think I'll find him ? I mean do think I'll find Java?"
"Of course you will, heck I'll even help if you throw on the right amount"
"Joking, just joking. Of course I'll help"
"Thank you" I say and shut my eyes.

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