Chapter 14: First class chicken

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"Hey Java. "

I couldn't believe it! Here I was, in a closet with a phone in my hand. And Java on the other line! His voice was a bit muffled as he tried to make something out.

"What did you say? " I asked, "I can't hear you. "

"Must be those damn noisy teenagers, " I thought out loud. I quickly slapped a hand to my mouth and cursed. There I go again thinking just like Mrs McKinney. I really need to stop toilet papering her house. Her likeness is rubbing of on me.

Java laughed through the phone and it sounded like he took a bath in the fountain of youth and drank a fanta while belting out some Taylor Swift lyrics. It was that damn beautiful..... and I was that damn hooked. Suddenly, as he was about to say something, the phone was rudely snatched from underneath my ear by Hunter.

"Hey! " I yelled, "what's the deal? You can't just go round snatching phones from people. What if it was  a very important call huh?. That could've been grandpa asking for a kidney. Or worse....grandma lending me a tooth! "

Hunter glared at me through his icy blue eyes and cut the call. Right in front of me!

"What sort of party host are you! ",he yelled, " you couldn't even notice one of your guests set himself on fire with the help of your crazy friend Stella or Sydna or whatever her name is! The lawn is trashed with red party cups, someone vomited in grandma's antique vase-"

"Technically, the vase isn't antique, " I cut him off "we bought it at Walmart for like 20 bucks. "

He rolled his eyes and continued. "They ate all the snacks and are targeting our fridge next, a group of guys are smoking joint in dad's study room and all the toilets are being occupied by horny teenagers and I really need to take a piss right now Jacine! What are you gonna do?"

"Don't you have a room genius? Use the toilet in there" I said. Problem solved.

His eyes flashed darkly and if looks could kill...I'd be dead... like painfully dead.

"Don't even get me started on the Dora and Boots show! " he then walked away angrily muttering something to himself. "Who's Dora and Boots? " I wondered aloud. "Just the couple exploring themselves in Hunter's room, " Roman answered dryly. "They've been going at it for a while now and someone's video taping them. "

I groaned loudly. I have so much work to do.

"Hey! " I thought aloud. "Why can't he just use my toilet? No one's in there right?"

He nodded his head and winked at me. "He won't go in though, he's scared he might find a tampon or something and die. "

Yup. My brother is definitely a first class chicken.

"Right " I said. "First things first....find me Sydney. She's gonna help too. "

"Ay ay captain! " he saluted and walked away. "

Now I have to deal with the maniac on fire. Yay me! (Note sarcasm)


"You're telling me, that you singlehandedly threw a party and managed to eat all the snacks drink all the drinks, get wet with no pool around and trashed the whole house.... all by yourself? You honestly expect me to believe that bullshit? " the officer said.

I sighed inwardly.

"Look officer, " I started "how many times am I gonna have to explain this to you? I'm a socially awkward weirdo with absolutely zero friends. I'm such a loser that I threw a party and nobody came. "

"Zero friends? " he questioned.

"Zero, zilch, nada, none. "

You're probably wondering how I got myself stuck trying to lie to prove my innocence to a police officer. While Mrs. McKinney held Bozo the monkey and glared daggers at me...

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