Chapter five: I might just barf

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Collins chased me all the way down the hall. As I was running, I bumbed into something hard.

"Jeez" I complained while rubbing my head "who puts a brick wall in the middle of the hall!" I heard chuckling and a response "thanks for the compliment I think but I'm not a brick wall". My head whips up immediately to see Roman standing right in front of me. He was smiling and offered me his hand "are you okay?" He asked. I refused his hand and shook my head "I'm fine" I gritted through my teeth even though I was seeing double. He rolled his eyes and tried to pick me up bit I pushed his hand away. I got up slowly and tried to walk but kept on stumbling. Instantly I was swooped up and carried bridal style. "Noooo!" I whined hitting his chest "let me down now you hulk!"
"That wasn't nice" he said frowning
"I know Einstein". He furrowed his eyebrows at this and started walking. "Where are you taking me?" I asked "why do you hate me ?" He questioned back. "Where are you taking me?" I glared at him. Glaring back he said "why do you hate me?" His grey eyes were unsettling gosh he'll be the death of me. "I don't hate you Roman, in fact I don't hate anybody" I pause "wait I hate Bonnie but apart from that insignificant human being I don't hate anyone else". He nods then looks confused "if you don't hate me then why don't you ever hang out with me?" I cringe in his arms *this is awkward* he continues anyways " I get you're best friends with Collins and all and I've even seen you hang out with that Sydney girl but what I don't understand is that whenever you pass and I wave or say hi, you always pretend not to hear me and run off" he looks really miffed right now. "I don't pretend to-" he cuts me off with a look "umm yeah you do. Sometimes you even yell to an empty hall "Marco" when I'm there. Though there's no one to shout "polo" back, that never once seemed to bother you". Wow am I really that mean to him or do I really don't notice him. Meh i probably didn't notice him. I look down in defeat and sigh "I guess I kinda have been ignoring you. I just I just feel weird around you and you don't make it any easier too" I look at him with one eye. "Why do you feel weird around me and how do I make things not easy for you?" He asked "cause" I drag "Sheila's been trying to make me go out with you and you don't make it any better cause I know you like me". He stops abruptly and drops me. "Oww" I whine. "Jacine I am so sorry I didn't mean to drop you I just freaked out when you said you knew I like you" he pleaded "I do like you I just don't know if you like me back". I peer at him curiously not knowing how to respond to this. I stand up while rubbing the back of my neck "look Roman you're obviously a great guy and a great guy deserves a great girl" I said "but I'm not that great girl. I thought you were like all those other obnoxious guys that's why I avoided you". He nodded understaside.gly then his face brightens suddenly and said "now you know I'm not like the other guys, would you like to go out?"

Shit. I thought. What do I say now? Its not like he's not good looking, in fact I bet he's the best good looking guy in the whole school. But Java I sighed I need to find him. Why? I don't know but there was something about him that got me so intrigued and when he wanted me to find him, I guess I was hooked. I was about to answer Roman when someone tackled me from behind pushing me down and getting my head hit again. "Yes!" Collins shouted putting his right foot on my back as I groaned " I knew I'd catch you". Roman looked at Collins like he was crazy. "Dude are mad?" He asked Collins while rushing to my side. "Please she's fine"Collins scoffed "I've knocked her out lots of times. Its not like she'll die or anything besides she looks pretty fine to me ". Roman shook his head at him and placed his hand on my forehead "are you okay?" He asked concerned. I nodded "I'm fine really" I said. Nope I wasn't I felt like barfing but I kept a tight smile and stood up with his help. I looked around and noticed that Collins had started putting up the posters. Smirking to myself I helped finish the job by stapling the others.

I went and gave Collins a high five when we were done. I threw the stapler into my bag and waited eagerly for the students to start arriving. Once they did, they immediately noticed the posters and craned their necks for better views. Soon everybody was talking about it.
"Hey did you see the embarrassing posters of Bonnie?"
"Of course I did Jane who wouldn't see it as it's all over the school"
"Hey you guys I heard Jacine pulled another prank on Bonnie"
"Omg! I love Jacine she is sooo creative"
"When will these too ever stop fighting? I'm getting tired of all their childish games"

Jacine had to admit the last one stung a little bit but she shrugged it off and stood by her locker waiting for Bonnie to arrive.
Sure enough she did with Hunter's arms around her shoulder. They were chatting about something that made her smile, till Hunter looked up in horror. Bonnie followed his gaze to the posters all over the wall. In a loud voice she screeched "JACINE!!!!"

Walking right up to me, she ripped a poster that was nearer to her and shoved it to my face. "What is this supposed to be?" She asked with venom in her voice. "You'd better have a ggod explanation to why pictures of me are posted all over the school". I held my chin and scrunched my face " no clue ma'am " I said and other students snickered "I walked into the school like you meeting them here". She glared daggers and I withheld a small laugh.

This is gonna be good.

She faced everyone and they shrunk back in fear. Bonnie wasn't a bully but no one was stupid enough to mess with her. Well, except me of course. She curled her lips into a devilish grin and made eye contact with me. Someone in the crowd whistled and yelled " it's going down for real".

"Well Jacine don't you think everyone here deserves to know about Java?" She asked. I flashed my head toward Sheila who hung her head in shame. "Oh I think they do, don't you too?"


Ohhkay. I know it took me a long time to update but cut me some slack I'm lazy. So pic at the top is Roman. Vote and comment. You don't know how much it means to me. Bye



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