Chapter sixteen: Im sorry

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The cool windy air blew my hair around my face as I followed an uncertain Collins outside in our own privacy. I pulled my copper colored jacket closer and and bit my very blue lips.

"So...." I mumbled inexplicably, " you actually came.Why? Not that I'm not grateful or anything, believe me I's just, I've been a horrible friend these past few days. Even I despise me-"

"I didn't do this for you Jacine!" He cut me off angrily."I know I committed the most common worst mistake in the history of best friends...I told how I felt. I'm sorry this is awkward. I didn't want to be here either."
Crap. I feel very bad now.
Now! So you're sorry Ass didn't feel bad before?
Of course it did !I mean I did- and I'm talking to myself. I seriously need to reconsider my lifestyle choices.

Collins' is staring at me with those deep chocolate eyes of his. The tiny flecks of gold glitter accentuating his thick lashes as he sighs and blinks rapidly at me.

I gulp.

"How long?"

He seems to understand my question and looks away."???" He mumbled inaudibly.


"I said for two years!" He spat venomously." For two years i pined silently over you, hoping that one day I'd get the courage to tell you and maybe then, we'd become those cute inseparable couples in the books. True love and  all that shit. Only for you to fall in love with idea of some imaginary guy you met at a party that everyone is sure completely doesn't exist!"

My eyes become misty over the tears in my eyes. Still he doesn't look away. Just keeps telling me the story with his eyes and soon his eyes start to get glassy too. We both want to hug each other but are too scared of ourselves.

"I'm sorry." I mumble loud enough to hear. He whips his gaze to mine to mine and looks at me intensely.

"Why? Do you pity me?"

"No. I'm sorry cause if I could choose an amazing person to fall in love with, I'd pick you."

A/n: I won't talk about it if you won't talk about it.....😶😶😶🤐
Sorry it's short...please don't kill me🏃🏾‍♀️🔪🔪

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