Chapter seven: Are you sure pigs can't fly

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I immediately yank my hair from Bonnie's grasp. Shouldn't have done it so hard though, cause my head hurts like a bitch. I scoot away and end up on the floor, still clutching my hair in victory.
"What do you want Bonnie?" I asked gritting my teeth "haven't you ever heard of personal space? Or privacy even?" She glances at me like I'm an annoying fly that's bothering her and she'd like to do nothing more than swat me to fly heaven. "Well Jacine don't flatter yourself, your hair is as dry and brittle as a two week old tuna salad" she glances at me again "without the mayo". I gasp at the insult and stand up towering over her. " I'll have you know my hair receives only the best shampoo treatment and professional styling " I say but she yawns as if to say what um saying is boring her. Rolling her eyes she said "please Jacine your hair styling is so last season besides even if people said your hair was pretty, don't you know your face is not?" What she said had me stumped. I mean did she not realize that I don't care what she thinks and she's wasting valuable oxygen that an important person can use. Probably not but still a girl can only hope. She waves her hand like she's fed up with me. The feelings are mutual. "Anyways Jacine I don't won't you to get your hopes up that you've won, I will strike back you can be sure of that but for now, I suggest you stay away from Hunter. You're a bad influence" with that she walks away. I shake my head. That girl is on crack. Does she really want me to stay away from my brother? Is she for real? He's my brother for Christ's sake of course I won't stay away from him. She might as well tell me to go stick my foot in a shredder- not damn happening.

After detention, I got a text from someone saying that I should meet them behind the bleachers asap. I was sceptical at first but then I made my way towards there.

I called out "hello. Hello is anybody here?" I grumbled as I came closer "I got your text that told me to come and meet you here". I saw a figure move so I backed away with into something hard. Someone chuckled and said " we gotta stop meeting like this" I turned around to face Roman. He had his hand behind his head staring at the floor nervously. He looked up and grinned at me, gesturing for me to sit down.

"Sooo" I said "why did you ask me to come? Is something wrong?"

He shook his head "no I just" he hesitated "will you go out with me" he looked at me waiting for my response, I contemplated then said "I'll think about promise" he grinned and held my hand. Why do things have to be so difficult around him? He walked me to my next class, even though I specifically told him I was good on my own. Doesn't anyone listen to me these days? He waved and sauntered of to his next class. While I sat down on my potters wheel, I looked at Sydney who gave me a wink and mouthed "watch this".

I befriended Sydney when I was ten. She used to get bullied a lot by Bonnie. And since I disliked Bonnie I thought " hey it will be killing two birds with one stone". I would stand up for Sydney and prank Bonnie. I'm a genius I tell you. But later, Sydney went through a transformation and suddenly started standing up for herself. Now she joins me in my mischief around the school.

Miss Yale was currently in our art class speaking with Mr Bailey. Sydney purposely left clay on the floor and gestured for Miss Yale to come see her masterpiece. I snickered at this and held my mouth to contain my laughter. Before Miss Yale could head over, she slipped on the clay and landed on her ass. She was fuming mad and her veins were popping in numbers. Everyone was laughing like crazy and Miss Yale looked like she wanted to tear us apart. She stood up and dusted the clay from her white pants and walked away giving me and Sydney the evil eye. Once she left, I walked over to Sydney and gave her a high five.

After my other class, I went to the cafeteria with Collins by my side. We went to our usual seats and plopped our trays down. Collins was looking like someone ruffled his hair, and ran away with his signature gray beanie. His usual smirk was replaced with a grim line. He was also stabbing his meatloaf with a fork.

"Umm Collins?" He looked up at me "what's wrong" he scowled and continued stabbing his meatloaf. I grunted "fine be that way". He pushed food around his tray then started slurping his apple juice. I clenched and unclenched my fist. He knows I hate it when drinks are being slurped.
" could maybe stop that" I growled.

"You just have to make everything about you don't you huh? Well so what I'm slurping my drink deal with it!"

Everyone was staring at our table after his screaming fest but I didn't care, it just made me more mad

"I don't make everything about me your just a major drama queen who's on his period"

A couple of people oooohd and yelled "burn!"

"I'm a guy I don't have periods!"

"Well that didn't stop you from pmsing!"


"No you shutup! What is wrong with you"

"Nothing is wrong with me you just like to make everything a big deal"

"No I don't. I care for you you egotistical jerk"

That shut him up.

"And if it's a crime to care about your friends then I don't really give a damn! Cause I care and there's nothing you can do about it"

He kept staring and stood there

"And if you think I won't care about you then that means pigs can fly"

He smirked and said "are sure pigs can't fly?"

"Just shutup and hug me idiot"

He wrapped his arms around me and whispered "I'm sorry"
"I know" I said and hugged him back

A/n: soooooo anyone shipping
Jacine and Java #javine
Jacine and Roman #rocine
Jacine and Collins #jallins
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