Chapter one: My Fucking Own Cinderella

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I woke up with a feeling of complete bliss . The sun was shining, birds were chirping and I never felt so good." I wish " I mumbled to myself. I woke up with a banging headache that was about to split my skull and our neighbor Mrs. McKinney's monkeys wouldn't stop their annoying chatter. Oh did I forget to mention it was raining ? Yes what a wonderful way of starting this day. Thanks a lot mother nature . Despite this awfully annoying day I couldn't help but grin to myself of the encounter from last night .

" You don't look like sweaty, wasted teenagers are your kinda thing ", said a boy who sat down next to me. I glanced him over. He had brown hair and blue eyes and was extremely gorgeous. I was kinda nervous at first cause hot guys don't usually approach me to start conversations . They usually try to hit on me by cracking lame jokes and delivering corny pickup lines which gave them a pitiful glance from direction and prayers of deliverance by the side, though I usually didn't say the prayer to their faces. That would've been rude. " Umm yeah they're not but today's actually my cousin Sheila's birthday. Didn't you know that ? " I asked. He brought his head down " yeah, yeah I did just forgot ". We stood there awkwardly at first but finally he said " hey do wanna go outside and talk ? " I glanced at him " sure why not ? I mean clearly no one's missing me " . He laughed at this then we went to Sheila's backyard. We sat on the grass at first then we laid down and talked.

" Don't you just love the night ? ", he asked staring up at the night sky with music blaring out from the distance.

" yeah I guess the night is pretty cool ", I said.

He turned to look at me " don't you just envy stars ? I mean all they get to do is just stay there looking beautiful, while we suffer here on earth ".

" well I wouldn't say we suffer - " he gave me an are -you -serious look " -that much " I added. He shook his head at me and chuckled. " Anyways ", I said " what's your name ? "

" Albert ", he said smirking.

" No offense Albert, but you don't look like an Albert ".

He gasped " are you questioning my birth certificate and my mother's amazing naming skills ? ".

" No ", I said " definitely not. I'm sorry ".

" That's okay you didn't know. But next time I won't let you slide off so easily " he joked and I laughed. I noticed he was wearing a cool bracelet " hey I like you're bracelet it's really cool ", I said. " Thanks it's my mothers " he said. I nodded. There was an awkward silence that came after that. I drew circles with my finger on my dress while he played with his bracelet. He let out a sigh " I have to tell you something " he said.

" what is it ? "

" I lied " he said

" about " I asked

" my name. It's actually Java " he scoffed " not Albert ". I laughed and rolled on the grass. " Now you tell me your name " he said.

" It's Jacine ".(pronounced ja-cyn)

" Spell it ", he said

" J-A-C-I-N-E ". I looked at him " go on taunt me. Pronounce it like it's Jason, at least that's what everybody does ". He gazed at me and shifted closer " a beautiful name for a beautiful person ", he said leaning in closer. My breath steadied as I leaned in too. We were so close our noses were practically touching then he closed the gap by crashing his lips unto mine. But the second our lips touched he pulled apart and stood up. " No I don't want you to remember me like this " then he started to run. " Wait ! " I yelled " So now I've got my own fucking Cinderella. Where will I look for you ? ". He turned back " don't worry, you'll find me ", he said and ran into the house. I asked myself if I was going to be the the crazy-in-love girl and chase him or be the cool-normal girl who would enjoy the night's breeze. I stood up and decided to run, who ever said I was cool or normal.

" Java wait ", I yelled but the crowd had swallowed him. " I hate teenagers and their stupid parties ", I said but bit my tongue I was starting to sound like my crazy neighbor Mrs. McKinney. I searched the house for him but he was no where to be seen. I went to the front door and found my older brother Hunter making out with a petite blonde-haired girl named Bonnie. She sat on his lap since she was short. I snickered at this but covered it with a sneeze. " Hunter did you see anyone leave through here ", I asked. He nodded "yeah " . " was it a boy ? ", I asked but Bonnie snorted " as if " she said. " No wonder he ran away ". I turned to face her " why don't you hop along now bunny ", I said " I wasn't asking you ". " Enough. Both of you" Hunter said " Bonnie you can't talk to my sister that way and Jacine you can't talk to my girlfriend that way ". I screeched " what! She's your girlfriend now! ". He shook his head at me " yes she is don't get your panties in a twist oh and it was a girl that passed ", he said then continued making out with Bonnie. I thanked him and went back to the backyard. When I sat down I noticed something on the grass. I went closer and noticed it was Java's bracelet. I picked it up and smirked to myself " don't worry Java I will find you ", I said and went back into the house.


: so what do you guys think ? vote, comment do both and eat Oreo's while you're at it if you like. please don't be a silent reader.



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