Chapter fifteen:

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A/n:sup dudes and dudettes!!🙋 how'd you like last chapter? (I have this feeling that no one will comment 😔but I'll stay positive always 😁) anyways I have no idea if they actually arrest people for throwing parties in America 😮 it sounds weird though.... well this is a fictional book and I the author can do whatever pleases me 😜 I could make Roman turn into a duck, i could kill Jacine 😁😊(I promise you Fatima I won't), and so many unspeakable threats that will make you pelt frozen carrots at me. Without further ado................................. 😂...........................Chapter Fifteen!!

I hate my life.

No seriously I do.

I know that other people have it worse but right now...... I really don't give a damn. Come on we've all felt like letting our inner bitch shine once in awhile. And if you haven't.... you're lying to yourself.

I was currently pacing I'm my our cell like a caged wild animal. I certainly looked the part with my mane of a hair and my blotched face red from crying. Maybe I could even pass myself of as an endangered animal. My cell mates were not making this any easier: Roman was bent over the toilet puking. The place was starting to smell incredibly awful and there was no air conditioning. Sydney usually sang under pressure. She says it calms her down but it only riles me up.

"Shut the fuck up! " Roman slurred angrily.  He turned and puked all over the floor. "Some of us are not in the right mood to take your peppy bullshit! So if you'll excuse me, i'm tryna puke out my organs in damn peace! "

Sydney just shrugged and sang louder.

Is this how I'm gonna end? I can see it: "Teenage girl killed by her mother after throwing party".

Officer Craig walked in with someone in dark clothes. "It's your lucky day guys" he said "this nice young man decided to bail your asses out. "

I stood up from the ground where I was crying and gripped the stranger's coat.

"Thank you person that I don't know and looks very creepy. "

"Anytime Jac-bear. "

"Collins? Is that you? "

The figure nodded and smiled.

an: hey guys!!!! im in school now using one of the desktops to say hi. hi !!!!!!! anyways im in boarding school and not with my phone. promise ill write alot once i get back bye!!!!

love, Victoria

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