Chapter twelve: I hate hugs

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A/n: you guys might not know this, but whenever you comment I always want to update. Two of one of my closest friends : Miriam and Asta actually called me and demanded I update. Things like that motivate me cause these days I feel like no one's really reading this. I'd love to hear your thoughts more than anything in the world(other than Logan Merman confessing his undying love for me 😍) also don't forget to share. You may proceed with the next chapter.

Hushed voices we're arguing over something when I woke up.

"What do you mean there was a monkey on her head? Animals aren't allowed in Walmart. Well at least I thought so"

"Listen man I'm telling you the truth here. You're crazy next door neighbor's monkey did this. I saw it with my own two eyes! "

"Ohhh. That makes more sense now. Mrs. McKinney did always say she hated Jacine most. Says she caught her more than once tping her house. "

I scoffed to myself. Please like I'd waste my precious time and energy, toilet papering an old woman's house. That's seriously beneath me! Okay fine I did it once in middle school no biggie. Okay maybe it was twice by mistake. What! It was a dare! Fine it was three times but that's all I'm admitting to you! So I toilet paper her house every weekend, sue me!

" Jacine! You're awake! " Roman exclaimed. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. "I hate hugs", I mumbled. Most useless thing since stairs. He let go off me and gave a horrified look "what kind of demonic person wouldn't like hugs? They're the best things since baby wipes." I snorted "um me. I so hate hugs they're useless in this life. Anyways I have a party to throw so if you'd excuse me, id like to go to my house now."

Hunter stood by the door and laughed. I hated that laugh. It was his you're-so-naive-and-incredibly-stupid-and -im-evil-and-shit-plus-way-more-smarter-than-you laugh. It got me every time.

"You're so naive and incredibly stupid Jacine. You are home. " he retorted.

"Lemme guess. You're evil and shit plus way more smarter than me right? "

He grinned and nodded. "Look at you getting all smart. Isn't that so cute Roman ?" Roman scrunched his face in confusion "but I thought she did your maths homewor-" "sshhhutup Roman " He whispered. Roman smirked.

"Anyways the doctor said that she should rest. And she can't rest when a party's going on. " he complained "so that's no party for you. "

"What!!! " I screeched "who the hell does this doctor think he/she is that they can tell me whether or not I should rest or not. I have the right to movement bitches nothing is stopping me." Hunter stared at me "are you done with your bitch rant? " he asked "I've got a date with Bonnie sooo, see ya later losers! "

Roman pointed to his retreating figure.

"You're related to that. "

"Sadly Roman. Sadly. "

He roamed around my room and finally stopped in front of the underwear drawers. Smirking he said "so this is where you keep your bras and thongs? "

"Roman. If you so much as touch or open that drawer, I will castrate you then grind your balls to mush after which you'll swallow them whole then crap them out into your mouth then swallow them whole again-"

"You've sure gotten very horny these days. " he cut me off "if you wanted to see my dick so badly you could have just asked. "

Why that little, why I otta rip him apart. Grrr!!

"Besides " he continued " there's always our date tomorrow night. You can do all sorts of things to my balls if you want. "


"in fact why don't we just skip all this nonsense and have hot sex in the shower? "
That's it.

I launched myself forward and brought him down with a kick to his knee. And twisted a hand behind his back.

"Keep your horny thoughts to yourself or you won't be alive for tomorrow's date or tomorrow at all. "

He nodded and saluted. "Yes ma'am! "

"Good minion. Now come help master decorate the house for the party. "

"Yes master. Yeshhhh"

"Don't do that " I said with a weirded out face. "Sorry" he murmured then piggybacked me downstairs.

I yelled "move this!!" And "stream that!!! Don't forget to put the drinks in the fridge!!!"

We were done soon enough and called Sheila.

"You're throwing a party? I better tell everybody!!!"

Ten minutes later people started pouring in. Soon teenagers got drunk and started trashing the house. " you're mom's gonna kill you. You know that right?" I turned to see Roman casually taking a sip of something red. He was wearing a black beanie, a graphic tee-shirt underneath his grey and white letterman jacket. Black skinny jeans and his white jordans. He caught me staring and smirked.

"Done eye raping me yet babe?"

I snapped out of it. "Like I'd torture my poor eyes by looking at something as awful and unappealing as you." He laughed and started to walk away "don't forget our date tomorrow! " he yelled from across the room. Many faces turned towards me. "He was kidding " I entered. "No I wasn't! " he screamed back.

I walked around twice looking for Java. "Where is he?" I thought. Suddenly a hand grabbed and pulled me into the closet. The lights we're off and I heard the lock turn.

"We need to talk".

A/n: mwuahahaha!! 😈 don't you just love the taste of cliffhangers in a story? No? I do 😄 So guess who pulled her in the closet? Not telling till next chapter my pretties(is that even a word?) No idea 😁 Anyways vote, comment and share. Have a nice night.


Victoria 😘

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