Chapter six: Is this a joke

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I loooooove you guys so much. 112 reads omgeeeeee I actually thought no one would read this book. I want to tell you guys thank you and don't ever stop being fabulous cause I'm fabulous. Vote, comment, share your thoughts. I've got nothing to do and I'm never busy. Hope you love this chapter. Oh and the pic above is Hunter.

If I had any powers right now, I would wish for invisibility. Why? Because there's nothing more I want to do other than melt away. Everyone is murmuring and I can't wrap my head around this. I'm always so cool under pressure and nothing ever seemed to faze me. Now I feel like the combination between wonder bread and Monday's mystery meat: weird, green and spewing toxic gases. Kidding about the last part though. I don't spew toxic gases. Bonnie like the devil she is stood there beside Hunter with an evil grin and and a hand on her hip like she was posing for the cover of a magazine.
"Come on Jacine" she urged "everyone is waiting". That little bitch. I can't believe my brother is even with her! Fraternizing with the enemy and everything. I thought family was meant to stand by you not against you with the enemy. Collins started clapping his hands slowly like those villains in the movies. He came forward and stood in front of Bonnie still clapping. Bonnie looked definitely weirded out and glanced to Hunter who also gave her a confused look too. Before you know it, Collins started going mad with later. He held another laugh to say " you're really pathetic Bonnie. Did you know that?" Everyone was wondering what was so funny but didn't say a word. He continued anyways.
"You want Jacine to tell everybody about Java right?" She nodded her head slowly agreeing with him. He turned around to face everyone and said "well everyone I'll tell you who java is" he turned towards me and winked "or what Java is". Bonnie looked confused at this but kept quiet to see what Collins would say.

" well everyone, Java is her fucking car". Bonnie looked like she was about to have a seizure.
"That's a lie!" She yelled "Java is actually a fake boy she's obsessing over ".
" false!" Collins countered back "it's just her car that she happened to name Java. Don't tell me you all believe Bonnie bonkers. She's crazy. Just look at her". She glared at Hunter and seethed " do something!" He rolled his eyes "like what?" He said "you know I don't like being involved in your nonsense feud with my sister. You're both insane" with that he walked away running his fingers through his blonde hair. Girls sighed and Bonnie ran after him yelling "baby wait!"

After that, everyone dispersed and left only Collins, Roman and I in the hall. Well this is awkward. Collins started breathing weirdly and used his inhaler. He gets breathing difficulties during awkward moments to him. I burst out laughing and he turns to send me a deadly glare. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him. He stiffens under my embrace but later pats my back. " thank you for standing up for me and keeping it secret" I say. He smiled at me and said "it was nothing". We both laugh and walk to class. Our hands intertwined.

Once we walk in, the teacher Miss Yale said " its about time you two bumbling idiots decide to attend my class." We gulp and say "sorry" in unison. She scoffs and begins handing out sheets to everyone.
"Because of these two's attitude, we will all write a 3 page essay on how I am so awesome"
My mouth hangs open. "Is this a joke? Cause this is Maths class" I said. She glances at me and announces "5 page" everyone groans at this and glares daggers at me. I smile sheepishly and shift around in my sit. Once the paper lands on my desk and Miss Yale settles down in her seat, I think of something and grin at myself then start to write.

Once I'm done, I hand my essay to Miss Yale. She flips open the first page and sees MISS. She stares at me then flips to the second page seeing YALE. She then goes to the third page and sees IS. She's boiling now and moves unto the fourth page seeing SO. She glares at me teeth clenched and goes to the last page to see AWESOME. Standing up she shoves my essay to my face and practically screams "read this to the class Miss Forsythe!". I smirk and clear my throat then begun to read. " miss. Yale. Is. So. Awesome ". The class claps and laughs at Miss Yale who is beyond fuming mad. I think I can even make out outlines of smoke. Collins whispers to me " you really outdid yourself today Jacine " I flash him my biggest grin and walk towards the door. Miss Yale stops me and asks "where do you think you're going slacker?" I turn and shrug "detention" I say and continue going.

Once I get there Mr. Ross the art teacher nods and leaves the class. Everyday I have maths, I always get Miss Yale to put me in detention cause her classes are boring. Of course Collins tutors me later on the topic and I end up passing her tests and exams much to her disappointment. I navigate my way towards the window seat and plop down. Running a hand through my brown locks I turn towards the window and look out.

I don't know why, but I just feel like I'm not alive. Everyone looks at me and identifies me as the badgirl. Popular, pretty, funny, smart and definitely dangerous. I'm tired of everything. I feel like I don't deserve all this attention. My whole life just feels unreal like I'm stuck in a dream and can't wake up. Same routine everyday for the rest of my life. Maybe that's why I'm chasing after Java. He's different from everyone and mysterious. He's totally worth tracking down if that's for sure. I rest my head on the desk and close my eyes. I can feel some one sit down next to me and play with my hair. I smirk eyes still closed and say "Collins I told you many times: touch the hair and die without balls attached to you".
" sorry but I don't have balls". My eyes snap wide open at the feminine voice. Bonnie.

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