Chapter ten: No money

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A/n: me: heyyyyyyy guys wassup
*crickets start chirping*
Readers: .........(angrily glares at author)
Me:okay so this isn't awkward at all
Readers: (still glares at author)
Me: well enjoy the chapter
*drops mic and runs away from the room*

"But pleeeeeeease " I begged.

"No Jacine just leave me alone for skittles sake".

I stared at my brother Hunter shaking my head. "I'm really worried for your swearing these days. It's not normal". He scoffed and said "my swearing is just fine now please go away. Don't you have that weird friend of yours to disturb?"

"But Hunter I really need that money for something important".

I gave him my best puppy dog eyes I could muster and batted my long eyelashes at him. He glared at me then said "how stupid do you think I am that I'd honestly fall for that disgusting ugly face?". "well on a scale of one to ten I'd say ten". He blinked twice then i blinked.

"Just go away Jacine" he grumbled "I'll only give you the money when you tell me what you need it for". He smirked at me and motioned to his watch "the clock is ticking Jac-bear". Grrr that boy is really getting on my nerves.

"Fine. I need the money to throw a party tomorrow  night ". He gasped "you what? " he said "are you crazy Jacine? Are you out of your mind? You know it's dad's house I normally throw my parties. And he's busy right now. Mom would kill you plus burn your ashes if you tried a stunt like that. You're on your own". He turned to walk away.

"Okay Hunter I understand that throwing a party at our house is basically suicide but look on the bright side". He quirked his eyebrows "what bright side" he asked. "Well mom will never know you collaborated and no one will find out about July 12th". He stared at me mouth open wide "you wouldn't you said you would forget it ever happened ". "I will if you loan me the required amount" i added slyly. "This is so unfair " he wailed "you're blackmailing me! "

He remained quiet for a few minutes then said "suppose I do give you the money, will you swear to keep July 12th a secret for life? "

I thought to myself then replied "sure why not? ". His face deadpanned as he pulled out his wallet. "I know you're still going to blackmail me later" he said arms folded. "Good to know you still retained sense brother. Have a nice day" then proceeded by slamming the door in his face.

Brought out my phone and was about to text Collins to take me to Walmart but stopped myself. This is exactly why I would never go out with my best friend . It tends to complicate everything. I thought for a moment on who would most likely give me a ride. Hunter's car still wasn't cleaned. Sydney was currently at the movies with her family. Sylicia was a selfish brat who couldn't do any favours for me. She was currently hung up on her new boyfriend of the month Derek Taylor. He looked like a Calvin Klein model with his rugged smexy self it's really a shame my sister only had one month flings. I was really looking forward to tiny selfish brats with amazing model looks. The only person on my list who I hadn't called was Roman. Shame I was so lazy or I would've walked there myself. It really wasn't far from our house.

I called him and was surprised when he picked up on the first ring.

"Hey Jacine  what's up? ".

"How'd you know it was me? It could've been literally anyone ".

"I always answer every unknown call with your name".

"Cause you have this weird feeling I'll stop playing hard to get even when I'm not? ".

"Yeah how'd you know? "

"Wild guess" I shrugged .

"So what do you want? "

"A ride to Walmart and back".

"That's pretty down to the point ".

"I don't beat around the bush. Ever".

"What do I get from being your personal driver in all this? " he asks

"I've got a two hundred dollar gift card for Amazon"

"No thanks. I'm practically filthy rich".

"How modest of you to say so. Anyways how about a date with my close friend Sydney? She comes in rainbow colours if you'd like plus she's user friendly-ish".

"How about a date with you?  You don't have a boyfriend, I don't have a girlfriend, I like you, you like me. Why not speed up this long process and date already. Don't you find it oddly romantic that we're both born on February 14th? Valentine's day. "

"Okay first of all I don't like you. Get that through your thick skull. Second of all I don't find it oddly romantic, I find it actually terrifying in every possible way. "

"I'll supply you with a months worth of free ice cream ."

"Deal. What time is our date? "

"Tomorrow by 8-ish. I'm coming over now to pick you. What exactly are you getting from Walmart? "

"You'll see. "

A/n: 😱 are surprised Jacine just sold herself for a month's  worth of ice cream?  Me neither. Don't forget to vote and comment if you like this chapter. Plus I heard it was good luck if you consistently vote every chapter of a book. Love you all 😘

Ps:shout out to ilovesaltypopcorn and josiiii (I'm really not sure how many i's but she knows who she is)

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