Chapter four: Partly because I love you

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If only you were there, to catch me when I fell.
If only you'd believe, all the lies I'd always tell.
Cause those lies held the truth that I always had to hide.
The truth that I always loved you, along all, this while.
- if only

I woke up startled. Since when did Collins have a vanity ?
I looked around and realized I was in my room. He probably took me home I thought.

I hurriedly dressed up. Brushing my teeth with one hand and taming my tangled brown locks with the other. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple then phoned Collins. It rung a couple of times but finally he answered.

"Jesus Christ Jacine leave me alone. Its 5:40 anyways what do you possibly want at this kind of hour ?", he groggily said.

"good morning to you too angel", I said. He grumbles angrily over the line.

" why can't you just jump of a cliff or something or disappear off the face of the earth".

"Wow", I shake my head " some friend you are".

"I try" was his reply. I shake my head at this. "So anyways sleeping beauty, wanna come help me prank bitchy Bonnie ? I really need your help with this one".

"Oh I don't know, I mean do you really need to do it this morning ?", he asks sceptical.

"It's got scandalous written all over it" I say in a singsong voice. He hesitates for a while then says "fine I'll be over there in 5".

" thank you sweety".

I smile when I see Collins jeep and jump in when he finally reached. I turn on the radio and "Just like fire" blasts through the car. Collins and I sing along in high pitched voices.

Just like fire burning out the way
If I could light the world up for just one day
Watch this madness colorful charade

No one can be just like me in anyway

Just like magic I'll be flying free
Imma disappear when they come for me
I kick that ceiling what you gonna say

No one can be just like me in anyway

Just like fire

We laugh when the song ends. "Man I love that song" Collins said "it gets me up every morning and keeps me awake all night". I smile and pinch his cheeks.
" owww" he whines "what was that for ?"
"Its cause you're so cute and fluffy that's why" I said in between giggles. He puffs out his chest and flexes "I'm not puffy or cute Jacine. I've got muscles and abs" I roll my eyes "everybody's got an ABdomen Collins so I don't see what you're bragging about besides I'm sure you're on steroids cause I know for one that you never ever go to to the gym unless you're picking you're brother's up". He gapes at me mouth open and eyes wide in shock.
"Close you're mouth sweety or flies will lay eggs and that won't be very good for our friendship". I attempt to close them but he slaps my hand away. " first of all, the windows are down so there obviously won't be any flies. Second of all, I don't need to go to the gym because I jog in the morning and swim 10 laps everyday" he said in matter-of-fact tone. I snort then raise up his polo shirt to reveal very nice looking washboard abs. I run my hands across them and he slaps my hand away "creep, you can't just feel them without my permission it's practically a crime" he said in a scolding manner.

"Please" I snort "in which country did they ever make that a crime ?"

"Just don't touch me again weirdo I'm warning you or next time ill carry shears to chop off your sausage fingers". I examine my fingers closely then yell "my fingers don't look like sausages dammit!" "Yeah they do and I bet I'm not the first person to point of out" he argued.

"Hmmmph" I stare out the window and watch the passing trees. When I was little I used to believe the sun and moon followed me. I feel a hand grasp mine and pull me from my thoughts, I turn to face Collins who now intertwines his hand with mine. I flash him my said mesmerizing smile and he ruffles my hair.
"Hey!" I yell "do you now how long it took me to fix this hair? Idiot I'd like to see you try".

" try?" He questioned "please baby girl my hair is always this good. I call it a God given gift but you could call it genes or whatever. Like seriously nothing can ruin this hair" I reach out and ruffle his hair and he swerves the car as he tries to swat my hands away. My grip is strong as steel so he doesn't succeed. When I'm done and we've reached our school, I hop out of the car and stroll in like we didn't just almost have an accident. I turn around ask "aren't you gonna come? These scandalous pictures aren't gonna staple themselves"

He looks at me then pulls out a mirror to check how bad the damage is to his hair. Frowning at the mirror he pulls out his signature grey beanie and puts it on. He stretches out his long legs as he comes out the car. He catches my stare and glares at me as if to say this-is-all-your-fault. When he reaches me he checks his watch and says "I'm giving you a 10 seconds headcount"
"Why" I ask but the look on his face tells it all.
"Never mind" I said and took off running.


: sooooo what's up guys ? I know it took me some time to update but I've been going for lessons. This chapter is short I know but the next chapter will be longer.( that's not a promise though it's literally just a sentence bit I'll try for you guys) so I don't know if you guys noticed but the poem at the top is by me- hope you like it! Anyways please please please please please vote and comment. It would mean the world to me if you do. Plus the picture at the top is Bonnie.


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