Chapter 3

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"Camila?" I heard a husky voice call out and I looked to my right as it sent chills down my spine.

Once I looked my eyes connected to green ones, then pink plump lips, then trailed across her entire face. I gasped and jumped up smiling happily that it almost brought tears to my eyes.

"Lauren!" I exclaimed as I attacked her with a hug and she chuckled.

"Hey." She smiled against my head while she wrapped her arms around me too.

I smiled widely feeling a burn sensation come to my eyes as I breathed in her vanilla scent. I sighed against her shoulder and sniffed her again and she giggled pulling away. I was still a bit drunk and I was scared I was currently doing something I was going to regret. I looked up at her with a watery smile and watched her eyes sparkle causing her to pull me in another hug.

"Aww Camila don't cry." She smiled as she tightened her arms around me.

"I'm so happy to see you." I spoke against her leather jacket and she giggled.

"I am too sweets come on I'm gonna buy you a drink." She said parting from the hug and I knew if I was going to have another drink I'd might pass out but I still agreed.

We both sat down and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, Lauren Jauregui was right in front of me. I smiled to myself as she ordered the drinks and once she finished speaking she looked right at me. Our eyes connected for a couple seconds and Lauren smiled at me with a twinkle in her eye. It was crazy how one simple thing could bring me back to square one.

"So how are you? You been okay?" She asked gently and I smiled even more before looking down at my hands.

"Yeah I'm okay I'm great right now though, what about you?" I smiled widely and she reciprocated,

"I'm doing really great actually even more amazing now." She winked innocently and I blushed before glancing at my drink with a smile.

"Yeah I heard you're living large Ms. Architect." I spoke and she smiled widely as she fiddled with her drink.

"Yeah I guess you can say that." She chuckled and I smiled proudly at her.

"You finally have everything you want?" I chuckled knowing she was struggling with money back in college, Lauren bit her lip and looked me in the eyes briefly.

"Not everything." She spoke softly and I smiled to myself as she cleared her throat.

"W-Well what about you? What are you doing? You still playing soccer? Because I mean you look really good like you're really fit." She complimented me as she subconsciously bit her lip and I chuckled sipping my drink.

"Was I not fit before?" I laughed lightly and she shook her head chuckling.

"You were but I-I, I don't know you look different. A good different." Lauren said softly as she glanced over my body and I looked into her green eyes.

"Well no I'm not playing soccer I uh I kinda had to quit back in college." I mumbled as I remembered the whole reason I haven't talked to her.

"What?! Quit? Why? You love soccer." She exclaimed surprised and I chuckled itching the back of my neck.

"Uh something came up that's all." I half lied and she smiled softly at me.

Something came up?! Like your pregnant ass belly?! Lying ass hoe.

"Well that sucks sorry about that are you working as something else though?" She asked timidly causing me to smile at her genuine curiosity.

"Yeah I'm uh-" I cut myself off as I breathed out a laugh.

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