Chapter 20

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A/N: Camren? Camren. 🐸☕️

Lauren's POV

*Five days later*

"Baby go change out of your school clothes." I heard Camila say as she cooked dinner and I groaned looking at these papers once again.

I heard Marina's small feet run across the wooden floor into her carpeted room as she giggled. I smiled to myself as I continued to look at more paperwork that had to do with the inventions. I ran my hand through my hair with a heavy sigh and I heard a plate being slid towards me. I looked up and saw Camila coming towards me also.

"You okay? You've been looking at those papers like it has your death wish on it." She chuckled leaning against the island and I sighed shaking my head.

"I wish it was." I mumbled and soon enough I felt her hands run through my hair causing me to sigh in relief.

"What's going on now?" Camila's soothing voice whispered and I grabbed her waist wrapping my arms around her.

"I have to launch something by Friday or we're gonna be in some deep shit." I mumbled and she lightly caressed my scalp with her fingernails.

"And what's keeping you stressed?"

"These inventions suck ass and they're toys- something Hugo would never invest in." I closed my eyes and she tilted my head up with a smile.

"It's your company isn't it?"

"Yes but it's still Hugo's-"

"Babe what would you do if it was one hundred percent yours?" She asked and I bit my lip before resting my head against her lower chest.

"I'd most likely launch a toy idea." I mumbled and she ran her hands against my scalp again with a chuckle.

"Then do it make it yours do whatever you think that's gonna sell." She mumbled against my head and kissed it causing butterflies to swarm in my stomach.

"Okay I just need to pick one." I whispered and she picked up one paper as her other hand stayed in my hair.

"A race track that glows?" She mumbled and I giggled against her stomach.

"And the other is an edible science project." I said against her and she continued to massage my head.

"The race track is actually a good idea though." She whispered and I looked up at her, chin resting against her breasts and arms hanging loosely around her waist.


"I mean it goes for hours and you can move the flexible track around while the car itself is moving. Plus it glows so it could also be a hella cool night light." She said and I smiled lovingly up at her before subconsciously kissing the top of her chest.

"Any ideas on the other?"

"I mean don't get me wrong I love anything edible but what if it doesn't taste good? And you'd have to keep resupplying the experiment and if you buy more than one box you'd have to at least throw away the actual equipment because you already have it." She spoke and I smiled widely at her smart mind, she looked down at me with a small smile.

"And thank you for helping me." I said and she trailed her hand down my cheek and across my jawline.

"You're oh so very welcome." She smiled while I felt my heart burst as I felt so much love pour from her eyes.

I didn't say much but I tightened my arms around her waist pulling her closer. She kissed my head lovingly and for a few seconds I felt like we were together again. Like nothing happened. I sighed against her chest, I was still so fucking in love with her. She tilted my head up and I smiled up at her, her finger tips trailed up and down my jawline to my lips.

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