Chapter 16

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A/N: 100% chance there's some incorrect spelling or sentences because I didn't proofread (like I ever do 🙄) so don't be a shit *cough* fistmecamila *cough*

Lauren's POV

I lost count of how much glasses of alcohol I've had I knew there was a few rich bottles around me but I had those a few hours ago. It was probably around ten at night and I was just drinking the night away hoping that it was a simple mistake. That my Camila wouldn't do that to me.

But that pain in my heart brought me back to day one when she left me. Why would she leave me when she was pregnant? Why was I so stupid to just let her go? I grunted and took a gulp of a thirty thousand dollar bottle of whisky. It was so rich and the burn was just right but maybe it was because I already had a full bottle of alcohol.

That undeniable stab in my heart came back and I grabbed an empty Vodka bottle and threw it against the wall in anger and hurt. I had a daughter. I knew she was my beautiful, amazing daughter even if I haven't met her. She was mine and Camila's so of course I knew she was a perfect baby girl.

Mina, Rina, it was all Marina my baby girl, my daughter, my child with Camila. In the midst of all this hurt and anger I still found a new love for this situation. I had a baby. And I wondered if she knew about me? I wondered why she called Camila that night when she stayed over. Was she afraid of the dark? Did she have a nightmare? Did she just simply miss her mom?

Whatever it was I wanted to protect her from everything. I needed to. I needed to see my baby. I couldn't believe Camila convinced everyone to keep this a secret. I couldn't believe what kind of friends I thought I had. How could this situation be put out about besides me being untrustworthy? Was I just not good enough?

Did it scare her? Did she think I was gonna leave? What'd I do wrong to deserve this?


Camila's POV

Seventeen missed calls from Lauren😘

"Seventeen?" I asked myself flabbergasted as I walked into my apartment with an overly tired Marina.

"Hm?" She hummed and I dropped the groceries on the floor.

"Nothing baby just go get your PJ's on." I said leaning down giving her a quick kiss on her forehead and she tiredly dragged herself to her room.

I sent out a quick text to Lauren asking if she was okay and I started to put up our groceries. Maybe ten minutes after I was finally done and I checked my phone as I sat on my couch. Nothing. I frowned and looked through the phone calls and no voicemails.

After a few minutes of internal debating I quickly called her and after one ring it was sent straight to voicemail. I frowned feeling a slight ache in my heart- she just Fuck You buttoned me.

The Devil💩: You okay Lauren? 💗

She read the message but no text back and I frowned deeply. What did I do wrong? But that was when I heard the front door open and I looked up to see Dinah.

"Hey girl uh you know what's going on with Lauren?" She asked and I frowned.

"No I've been trying to reach her."

"Well she's obviously drunk because she said Camila is a lion ash bush." Dinah said out loud and I frowned even more deeply as I instantly caught onto Lauren's message.

"O-Oh I get it now." Dinah struggled to keep her laugh in while I got up with a frown.

"I didn't even do anything today? What's her problem?" I asked feeling hurt and confused while Dinah shrugged.

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