Chapter 39

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A/N: I am currently writing a Lauren/You in a zombie apocalyptic world would y'all read it or nah? There's barely two chapters btw (not posted yet)

A/N: I am currently writing a Lauren/You in a zombie apocalyptic world would y'all read it or nah? There's barely two chapters btw (not posted yet)

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Lauren's POV

"Halsey! Tell Calum to bring me the new blueprints for that pastry shop in Bushwick." I said as I walked out of my office and to the elevators.

"In Brooklyn?" She asked and I nodded waiting for the elevator to come up.

"Yeah it's the one being remodeled." I informed while the elevator doors opened and I stepped in.

"Alright I'll tell Jake to fax them over right away-"

"No, no, no I want the original blueprints I don't want anything smeared or copied so get Calum on the phone and tell him to bring his ass down here. And carefully too because if those are in the slightest bit destroyed or damaged, he's fired." I cut her off as I made sure the elevator doors stayed open.

"Yes Ms. Jauregui I'll get on that-"

"Jauregui! There you are!" I saw Louis come towards me and I frowned.

"Tomlinson! What're you doing up here?" I smiled as he stepped in the elevator after giving Halsey their special handshake.

"I was looking for you mate I finally got a break from my job the CEO finally came back from his long time family vacation. Damn bastard left me with his work for almost three months! How's that even possible?" He huffed through his accent and I chuckled as we waited for the doors to open.

"What's his name?" I asked as we walked out of the elevators and into the large lobby.

"Max George he's also the owner of the new recording studio a several blocks down." He informed me and I chuckled walking out of my building with him.

Immediately walking to my side of my matte black Audi R8 that was held open by my personal driver Ernie. I gave him a quick tip before getting in with Louis and driving off slowly.

"Hm.. Well you know maybe Johnson's Cooperations can also be Johnson's studios? Hugo Records?" I suggested playfully and he smirked his scruffy beard following his lips.

"Oh it already sounds magical." He smirked before chuckling and I focused on the road with a chuckle.

"So I heard you got a kid? How's that going?" He asked with a happy smile and I nodded with a smile that matched his.

"God it's going so great this little girl is literally the best thing in this entire world. I would literally give everything up for her. Especially her mom, her mom is my world I was actually going to propose the day of Corina's annual dinner gathering." I informed and he raised his eyebrows as he fixed his slicked back hair.

"Wow all just in a few months. I'm happy for you Laur." He smiled toothlessly and I smiled turning down a road.

"How's Freddie?" I asked about his son and he sighed shrugging.

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