Chapter 8

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"Shit!" I hissed at myself as I redid my winged-eyeliner for like the twentieth time. I felt like my eyes were burning and felt raw as shit and once I got it right I just didn't even want to finish the rest of my makeup. I grunted and sat back on the edge of the tub I didn't even want to go now. Stupid fucking eyeliner. I thought it looked like a damn toddler did it and I let out an exasperated screech. Then that's when I heard my phone,

Laur🙊: Hey pretty:) you ready?


Camz💘: Almost I just need to find my sweater.

Laur🙊: you can use my jacket?

Camz💘: I'm coming rn 😁

That was a total lie I wasn't even done, I quickly applied some light lipstick on and at the same time I was putting on my beige heels. Once I was finished with my makeup I quickly slipped on a regular white shirt. The only thing I grabbed in my haste was my purse and phone and I locked up my apartment before running down to the first floor. I took a deep breath and walked outside to see Lauren leaning against the concrete stairs in her usual black attire.

"Well hello there Camila." Lauren smiled as she lent me her hand and I took it.

"Where we going?" I asked and she smiled,

"Well my friends wants to officially hang out with us." Lauren smiled and I immediately knew she was talking about the group I met last time.

"Oh Halsey and them?" I asked and she nodded with a happy smile.

"Yep yep."

"Alright cool." I added and she looked at me a bit shyly.

"Uhm are you okay with that?" She asked and I smiled nodding,

"Yeah of course I don't care I like your friends." I smiled and she reciprocated as she rubbed my hand with her thumb.


"But are we going to the same bar or something?" I asked as I looked down at my blue cuffed jeans.

"I don't know maybe we're going to a club?" She shrugged but I knew she knew the answer.

"Don't I just love making out with random women while high on Molly?" Lauren teased and I had a flashback of when we were back together and she cheated on me accidentally.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." I huffed dropping her hand and crossing my arms causing her to laugh.

"Aww I'm just kidding but yes we're going to the same bar." She giggled wrapping an arm around my waist and bringing me into a side hug as we walked.

"If you're rich why don't you have a car?" I asked against her side and she looked down at me with a charming smile.

"I do have a car sweets. I have lots of them." She chuckled child like and I frowned.

"I like walking it makes me feel good like closer to nature and shit." She shrugged and I smiled up at her before straightening my posture next to her.

"And still an art hoe." I spoke causing her to chuckle genuinely.

"Yes I guess you can say that." She shrugged as she looked at me with a happy glint in her eye.

I couldn't help but stare at her a little longer than usual her facial features were more prominent and sharp. And somehow I felt like her eyes were a bit more brighter than when we were eighteen. She gotten a bit taller not by much maybe just an inch or so and Lauren's arms weren't big and muscular but they were firm as fuck. If everything on her body had gotten bigger I wondered what would Charlie look like now-

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