Chapter 36

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A/N: :)) still boring :))

I support Camila whole heartedly but holy fuck I hate the fandom name. Camilizers??? It just makes me think of all of the bad shit THOSE c stand caused like being a racist, big mouth who bashes (bullies) the rest of the girls.

(Btw if you support Camila and Fifth (Fourth) Harmony don't take this the wrong way) enjoy x

Camila's POV

"Uhm you!" I pointed at the boy in the middle of the room as he stood up with his binder.

Shit what's his name?

"Xavier.." He trailed off in a questioning tone and I snapped my fingers.

"That's right sorry I'll totally get it down by next week guys." I laughed lowly and he slowly packed his binder not knowing why I called on him.

"But Xavier can you hand me those tissue boxes stacked- yeah right there thanks." I smiled as he giggled and handed me one of the blue Kleenex boxes.

"Okay tomorrow will be the first day we start the syllabus meaning work, work, and homework." I informed them causing them to groan which made me chuckle at little bit.

"Ugh I know right? Who likes math?" I playfully rolled my eyes and they giggled sitting back in their seats so I could dismiss them.

"That's funny cause you're a math teacher." A blonde girl laughed from the back of the class and I smiled to myself sitting on top of my desk crossing my legs so it wouldn't look inappropriate.

"But aren't you supposed to love your job?" Some boy asked frowning and I looked at him with the same smile.

"Yes, thank goodness it was a joke though right John?" I giggled as his face hinted a shade of pink while his friends laughed at him.

"I love math."

"Why?" Another boy asked with a noticeable grimace which retrieved some giggles.

"Well instead of learning a language you already know like English- don't tell Mr. Sprayberry on me -it actually puts your brain to work. Probably one of the most working process of the day is math." I shrugged and they nodded but before we could bring up a new topic the bell rang.

"Okay don't rush out here like animals let me open the door." I chuckled walking to the door and they impatiently stood up.

Once I opened the door I ran into someone and gasped in shock then I heard a few of the students laugh along with the most familiar beautiful laugh.

"Sorry but I heard your lunch break is starting." I looked up to see clear green eyes and I smiled before stepping aside for the students.

"Babe what?" I mumbled loud enough so she could hear and she giggled looking down at the pizza box.

"I got your favorite." She informed me and I smiled happily before looking back into my classroom.

"Come on sit down." I told her while the rest of the students walked out of the class.

"Okay last kid is out time for my kiss because I'm already dreading for a day off." Lauren spoke and I giggled as she reached down and kissed my lips softly.

"Bad day?" I asked sitting on top of my desk as she sighed heavily sitting in my chair.

"Just stressful I mean it's kinda hard playing nice when all you wanna do is rip these guys' heads off." She sighed opening the box of pizza and I looked at her as she took a piece with me.

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