Chapter 17

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A/N: tbh I never meant for it to take long but eh it happens and I told you all don't get used to it 😂😂 plus sorry if there's any grammar mistakes.

Lauren's POV

Five days. Five days had gone by and it was officially my daughters birthday. My daughter. I would never get tired of hearing those two words. Five days of panic attacks and crying sessions with Camila. I didn't know what to do I didn't know where to start I thought it was too soon to set up a room for Marina but I did it anyway to keep me busy.

I've never put so much thought and work into one bedroom before for me it'd be a simple modern bed and throw a white blanket over it to make it look like a Tumblr picture. But no for Marina I made a castle I fucking panted my gray, white walls pink and purple. I was trying to get myself ready for the now six year old to actually come into my life.

After telling my assistant/ close friend Halsey I went out in a nervous rush and picked up anything princess related. I had so much presents that when Camila came over she almost went into another panic attack. Because if I ever gave all of the presents away to Marina Camila would "die from lack of sleep." But I was just trying to get everything together so Marina would never be bored with me.

I wanted to give her anything she ever wanted but I also didn't wanna make her out to be a spoiled brat. I was gonna make her mama's little girl instead of being by Camila's side all the time. I couldn't wait to take her to work with me and show my daughter off and just love her unconditionally.

It was around five o'clock and I was on my way to Camila's apartment where my daughter was having her birthday. I smiled happily to myself, my daughter, my daughter Marina, Camila and I's baby girl. My daughter. I got out of my Range Rover and made my way up some steps. I had Marina's gifts in the back but I wanted to sulk in our moment for a little bit until I gave her them.

As I got to Camila's apartment door I started to grow even more nervous once I heard children squealing through the door

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As I got to Camila's apartment door I started to grow even more nervous once I heard children squealing through the door. I sent Camila a text and soon enough I heard the door open and she popped out closing the door quickly.

"Hey? You okay?" She asked and I took a deep breath before shaking my head.

"W-What if I'm not what she expects me to be? W-What if she doesn't like me? I don't think I can handle that-"

"Hey shh Laur that little girl knows who you are trust me." Camila said lowly as she crossed her arms and I nervously ran my hand through my hair.

"But how can she know me-"

"Lauren I know you better than anyone else and I've told her so much about you that she's practically becoming you. Don't overthink like me just take a deep breath and wait till she opens the door." Camila said grabbing my hands and I nodded taking a deep breath.

I looked into her brown eyes and pulled her into me in a warm hug, "Thank you  I guess." I shrugged against her causing her to giggle.

"Wait here." She mumbled as she kissed my forehead and squeezed my hands before going back into her apartment.

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